European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 07:48

Expert Working Group

Event date Title/Location Contact Creation
Last update
08/09/2008 FP6: EWG plenary meeting (08-09/09/08)
Toulouse (France)
BROWN Phil 31/07/2008 00:00
30/09/2009 00:00
04/09/2008 FP6: 2nd Active remote sensing EWG (04-05/09/08)
PELON Jacques 28/05/2008 00:00
15/12/2008 00:00
24/07/2008 FP6: 1st Active remote sensing EWG meeting
PELON Jacques 30/09/2015 13:29
30/09/2015 13:29
19/02/2008 FP6: 2nd Turbulence EWG meeting (19-20/02/2008)
Leiden/Noordwijk, The Netherlands
DUDEK Krzysztof 14/11/2007 00:00
11/12/2008 00:00
31/01/2008 FP6: 1st Stratospheric Measurements EWG (31/01/08)
SCHILLER Cornelius 12/11/2007 00:00
17/04/2008 00:00
29/11/2007 FP6: 3rd Certification & Operation EWG (EGAST)
Cologne (Germany)
PONTAUD Marc 13/11/2007 00:00
23/07/2008 00:00
26/11/2007 FP6: 15th EWG meeting (Innovative dvpt for EUFAR)
BRENGUIER Jean-louis 19/11/2007 00:00
23/07/2008 00:00
21/11/2007 FP6: 1st Design Instrum.&Install EWG (21-23/11/07)
BROWN Phil 19/09/2007 00:00
11/12/2008 00:00
20/11/2007 FP6: 9th EWG meeting (Future EWG activities)
BROWN Phil 12/10/2007 00:00
21/11/2007 00:00
27/02/2007 FP6: 1st Turbulence&Thermodyn. EWG(27/02-02/03/07)
Braunschweig (Germany)
BITTER Mark 08/01/2007 00:00
25/09/2007 00:00
13/09/2006 FP6: 1st Aerosols & Microphysics EWG (13-15/09/06)
Paris (France)
FORMENTI Paola 13/03/2006 00:00
25/09/2007 00:00
11/09/2006 FP6: 1st Radiation EWG - Intercomp. of radiometers
Bedford (UK)
TAYLOR Jonathan 29/05/2006 00:00
25/09/2007 00:00
19/06/2006 FP6: 1st Gas-Phase Chemistry EWG (19-21/06/06)
Munich (Germany)
MCQUAID Jim 13/03/2006 00:00
25/09/2007 00:00
25/01/2006 FP6: 2nd Certification & Operation EWG (EASA)
Cologne (Germany)
PONTAUD Marc 23/03/2006 00:00
17/04/2008 00:00
27/09/2005 FP6: 1st Certification & Operation EWG (27/09/05)
Toulouse (France)
PONTAUD Marc 05/10/2005 00:00
17/04/2008 00:00
06/09/2005 FP6: 1st Imaging Remote Sensing EWG (6-7/09/05)
Naples (Italy)
GOMEZ-SANCHEZ Jose-antonio 10/10/2005 00:00
11/07/2006 00:00
25/03/2004 FP5: Dataprocessing EWG (25-26/03/04)
Paris (France)
PIGUET Bruno 19/09/2005 00:00
11/07/2006 00:00
10/12/2002 FP5: Thermodynamics EWG
Oberpfaffenhofen (Munich)
ZOGER Martin 19/09/2005 00:00
03/08/2006 00:00
16/09/2002 FP5: Small scale turbulence EWG (16-20/09/2002)
Capua (Italy)
MALINOWSKI Szymon 19/09/2005 00:00
03/08/2006 00:00
16/09/2002 FP5: Microphysics EWG (16-20/09/2002)
Capua (Italy)
DUROURE Christophe 19/09/2005 00:00
24/01/2008 00:00
16/09/2002 FP5: Air Flow Disturbance EWG (16-20/09/2002)
Capua (Italy)
NACASS Philippe 19/09/2005 00:00
03/08/2006 00:00
03/05/2002 FP5: Active remote sensing EWG (03/05/02)
Paris (France)
BOCK Olivier 19/09/2005 00:00
07/08/2006 00:00
12/04/2002 FP5: Particle Inlets EWG (12-13/04/02)
Leipzig (Germany)
WENDISCH Manfred 19/09/2005 00:00
07/08/2006 00:00
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