European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 09:53


Event name FP6: 1st Gas-Phase Chemistry EWG (19-21/06/06)
Start date 19/06/2006 00:00
End date 21/06/2006 00:00
Location Munich (Germany)
Contact MCQUAID Jim

This meeting aims to address what we see as the current state of gas phase chemical measurements across the European fleet and where we see the gaps in our capabilities. Questions such as:-
1. What are the key areas of science which airborne chemical measurements can contribute?
2. Is there some instrument development that you foresee as a priority to increase our knowledge on gas phase chemistry based on aircraft measurements?
3. Are there measurements which are currently not possible within the EU fleet but that should be recommended to aircraft operators/funding institutions?
4. Is there any specific calibration issues that you think should deserve discussions during a workshop?
5. How far down the line are we to being capable of adequate satellite validation though airborne missions?

For further information about this meeting:<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"> click here</A>

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Event name: FP6: 1st Gas-Phase Chemistry EWG (19-21/06/06)

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Event name: FP6: 1st Gas-Phase Chemistry EWG (19-21/06/06)

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