European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 09:21


Event name FP5: Active remote sensing EWG (03/05/02)
Start date 03/05/2002 00:00
End date 03/05/2002 00:00
Location Paris (France)
Contact BOCK Olivier

The main objective of this first workshop was to summarize the state of
the art in the area of Active Remote Sensing (mostly, lidar and radar) from
airborne platforms in Europe, and to give recommendations for needed
developments for the future.

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Event name: FP5: Active remote sensing EWG (03/05/02)

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No documents.

Event name: FP5: Active remote sensing EWG (03/05/02)

List of articles

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No documents.
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