European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research March 9, 2025, 03:48

Software tools

To facilitate airborne research measurements, a number of EUFAR’s activities are dedicated to developing and maintaining a range of toolboxes that serve to assist operators and researchers with the handling of data. From in-situ or remote sensing data collection to data processing, analysis and archiving, these toolboxes are made freely accessible on or via the EUFAR website and are documented in user manuals.

The Standards and Protocols (S&P) activity aims to efficiently integrate data in the EUFAR database and ensure its interoperability with other standards by developing and updating open-source data processing toolboxes. The activity also keeps track of existing open-source toolboxes, which would be relevant for operators and users within EUFAR. For example, the S&P team proposes a set of tools dedicated to the processing of in-situ data (EGADS) and the creation of INSPIRE compliant metadata for in-situ and hyperspectral data (EMC and ASMM). Through the Database activity, data from EUFAR transnational access campaigns are stored and made widely accessible online through a single gateway, with a search tool to facilitate locating specific data (EFF). In addition, data are stored in community compliant data formats with well-documented supporting metadata. Toolboxes are also developed as part of EUFAR’s Education & Training activity with the aim to familiarise and assist early researchers participating in training courses with the different aspects of airborne research for the environment. EUFAR’s Joint Research Activities are dedicated to developing methodologies and tools for the integrated use of airborne hyperspectral imaging and airborne laser scanning data (HYLIGHT and HYSOMA).

Software tools

Tools produced by EUFAR

Tools found: 37

Acronym Name Type Status Description Tool website
ASMM Airborne Science Mission Metadata Metadata Ready to use This project intends to develop a tool for creating, modifying and viewing Airborne Science Mission Metadata (ASMM) XML files.
EMC EUFAR Metadata Creator Metadata Ready to use The EUFAR Metadata Creator intends to make a database compatible with INSPIRE initiative by creating a standard set of metadata.
EGADS - CORE EUFAR General Airborne Data-processing Software - CORE Data Processing Ready to use The EUFAR General Airborne Data-processing Software is a toolbox for processing airborne atmospheric data.
EGADS - GUI EUFAR General Airborne Data-processing Software - GUI Data Processing Under development The EGADS GUI is a graphical interface to interact easily with EGADS and other modules without the need of a Python script.
HYLIGHT HYLIGHT Data Processing Ready to use The main objective of the HYLIGHT joint research activity is to improve hyperspectral imaging processing using airborne laser scanning
HYSOMA HYperspectral SOil MApper Data Processing Ready to use The HYSOMA is a software for soil mapping applications of hyperspectral imagery developed by GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences.
PML IOP Model PML Inherent Optical Property Model Data Processing Ready to use The IOP model was provided in EGADS toolbox and is now available as a standalone.
ARTMO Automated Radiative Transfer Models Operator Data Processing Ready to use The ARTMO GUI provides essential tools for running and inverting a suite of plant RTMs.
ENMAP-BOX ENMAP-BOX Data Processing Ready to use The EnMAP Box is a free software designed to process hyperspectral remote sensing data and EnMAP sensor data.
GMT The Generic Mapping Tools Data Processing Ready to use GMT is an open source collection of about 80 command-line tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets.
HiiHAT HiiHAT Data Processing Ready to use HiiHAT is an intelligent assistant to help analysts efficiently browse, summarize, and search hyperspectral images.
HSDAR Hyperspectral data analysis in R Data Processing Ready to use The HSDAR package contains classes and functions to manage, analyse and simulate hyperspectral data.
HYPERCUBE HYPERCUBE Data Processing Ready to use HyperCube is a program created by ERDC’s Geospatial Research Laboratory (GRL) that analyzes and displays multi- and hyper-spectral imagery.
HyperMixTool HyperMixTool Data Processing Ready to use HyperMix is a free open source tool, including several popular algorithms, dedicated to remote sensed hyperspectral image unmixing.
HyperSpy HyperSpy Data Processing Ready to use HyperSpy is an open source Python library which provides tools to facilitate the interactive data analysis of multi-dimensional datasets.
LAStools LAStools Data Processing Ready to use LASTools is a collection of highly efficient, batch-scriptable, multicore command line tools to classify, tile, convert, filter, raster ...
MultiSpec MultiSpec Data Processing Ready to use MultiSpec is a processing system for interactively analyzing Earth observational multispectral image data, such as that produced by Landsat.
NPLUnc_10x NPLUnc_10x Data Processing Ready to use NPLUnc_101 and NPLUnc_102 are software to promote and support the use of the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM).
OPALS Orientation and Processing of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Processing Ready to use The aim of OPALS is to provide a complete processing chain for processing airborne laser scanning data (waveform decomposition, ...
PRISM Processing Routines in IDL for Spectroscopic Measurements Data Processing Ready to use The Processing Routines in IDL for Spectroscopic Measurements (PRISM) provides a framework to conduct spectroscopic analysis.
PROJ.4 PROJ.4 Data Processing Ready to use PROJ.4 is a standard Unix filter function which converts geographic longitude and latitude coordinates into cartesian coordinates.
PulseWaves PulseWaves Data Processing Ready to use PulseWaves is an open, vendor-neutral, stand-alone, LAS-compatible effort for exchange format concerning geo-referenced full wave LiDAR.
Spectronon Spectronon Data Processing Ready to use Spectronon is a data acquisition and analysis software package, it provides hyperspectral data visualization and analysis capabilities.
SPy Spectral Python Data Processing Ready to use SPy is a pure Python module for reading, displaying, processing, manipulating, and classifying hyperspectral image data.
EFF EUFAR Flight Finder Data Explorer Ready to use The EUFAR Flight Finder tool is a geospatial-temporal search interface to locate EUFAR data within the EUFAR data archive at CEDA.
ARTMO ARTMO Educational Material Ready to use Hands-on lesson and data for ARTMO
Data Fusion RS4forestEBV Data fusion training course Educational Material Ready to use Hands-on lesson and data on data fusion of airborne hyperspectral images and LiDAR data for vegetation species classification
Hyperspectral remote sensing Hyperspectral remote sensing, data processing and analysis training course Educational Material Ready to use Videos, hands-on lessons and data for airborne hyperspectral remote sensing
LiDAR RS4forestEBV training course - LiDAR Educational Material Ready to use Hands-on lesson, data and scripts for airborne LiDAR data processing in forestry
RT modeling RS4forestEBV RT modeling training course Educational Material Ready to use Hands-on lesson, data and code on INFORM (Atzberger, 2000; Schlerf & Atzberger, 2006), a SAIL-like canopy model modified to simulate forest
Turbulence and clouds TETRAD Educational Material Ready to use Hands-on lessons for airborne measurements in atmospheric science: focus on turbulence and clouds (TETRAD).
Vegetation classification SWAMP Educational Material Ready to use Hands-on lesson and data for vegetation studies with pktools (SWAMP).
ArcGIS Earth ArcGIS Earth Geographic Information System Ready to use Explore any part of the world with ArcGIS Earth, work with a variety of data formats, display data, sketch placemarks, measure distances.
GRASS GIS Geographic Resources Analysis Support System GIS Geographic Information System Ready to use GRASS GIS is a free and open GIS software suite used for geospatial data management, analysis, image processing, graphics, spatial modeling.
gvSIG gvSIG Geographic Information System Ready to use gvSIG, the Open Source Geographic Information System, a powerful, user-friendly, interoperable GIS used by thousands of users worldwide.
QGIS Quantum GIS Geographic Information System Ready to use QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) and developed by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).
SAGA GIS System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses GIS Geographic Information System Ready to use SAGA is a free open source GIS software and has been designed for an easy and effective implementation of spatial algorithms.
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