European Facility For Airborne Research March 9, 2025, 15:39
HYSOMA was developed in the frame of the EU-FP7 EUFAR /JRA2-HYQUAPRO project and the EnMap (Environmental Monitoring and Analysis Program) hyperspectral satellite science program. Higher performing soil algorithms were in development as demonstrators for end-to-end processing chains with harmonized quality measures. For this, a review of existing soil algorithms and methodologies based on soil spectroscopy currently successful for the identification and prediction of soil properties was performed. Based on this review and following experts suggestions from the 1st and 2d EUFAR Expert Working Group Workshop on hyperspectral soil applications held at GFZ Potsdam, Germany, on 15-16 April 2010 and 29-31 Agust 2011, the strategy to develop the HYSOMA was focused on the following objectives: