European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 03:19

Software tools - NPLUnc_10x

Data Processing / Other

NPLUnc_10x image


Publisher: NPL
Producer: Other
Platform: Plateform Independant, Windows (stand-alone)
Software / Code: MATLAB
Requirements: MATLAB (if the user didn't choose the stand-alone version)
Software version: 2014
Status: Ready to use


NPLUnc_101 is software developed at NPL to promote and support the use of the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) and the first supporting document to the GUM, GUM Supplement 1, concerned with the use of a Monte Carlo method for uncertainty evaluation.

NPLUnc_102 is software developed at NPL to promote and support the use of the second supporting document to the GUM, GUM Supplement 2, concerned with extending the GUM and GUM Supplement 1 to measurement models with any number of output quantities.


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