European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 23, 2025, 07:37

Aircraft: M55 - Geophysica


M55 - Geophysica
Aircraft acronym M55 - Geophysica
Operated by Myasishchev Design Bureau
Aircraft category Land/Sea surface properties, Stratospheric , Troposphere
Registration number 55204
Manufacturer and aircraft type Myasishchev Design Bureau, M-55

Max. scientific payload: 0 kg

Basic instruments

Instrument type Instrument name
Serial type
Operator Measured parameter Range Weight added
Dew/Frost-point hygrometer M55 ACH frost point hygrometer Geophysica-GEIE Dew Point 10.3 kg
Aerosol LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) M55 ALTO Geophysica-GEIE Aerosol backscatter coefficient 35.0 kg
Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) M55 Mainz COPAS Geophysica-GEIE Number concentration of submicrometer aerosol particles 25.6 kg
Ozone Analyzer M55 Electro-Chemical Ozone Cell Geophysica-GEIE O3 concentration 15.0 kg
Non dew/frost point hygrometer M55 Fast In Situ Hygrometer Geophysica-GEIE Water Vapour, Relative Humidity 44.4 kg
Non dew/frost point hygrometer M55 FLASH Geophysica-GEIE Water Vapour, Relative Humidity 10.0 kg
Ozone by chemiluminescence M55 Fast OZone ANalyzer Geophysica-GEIE Ozone mixing ratio 12.0 kg
Cloud Droplet Size Spectrometer FZJ Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe 300 Geophysica-GEIE Cloud droplet size spectra, number concentration and water content, 20.0 kg
Trace Gas Analyzer M55 GASCOD-A Geophysica-GEIE Trace Gas concentrations 88.8 kg
Trace Gas Analyzer M55 High Altitude Gas Atmospheric Research Geophysica-GEIE Trace Gas concentrations 83.0 kg
Trace Gas Analyzer M55 - HALOX-A Geophysica-GEIE Trace Gas concentrations 265.0 kg
Aerosol LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) M55 MAL-down Geophysica-GEIE Aerosol backscatter coefficient 27.0 kg
Aerosol LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) M55 MAL-up Geophysica-GEIE Aerosol backscatter coefficient 27.0 kg
Aerosol Scatterometer (multi-wavelength) M55 MAS Geophysica-GEIE Aerosol backscatter coefficient 37.6 kg
Infrared Spectrometer M55 MIPAS Geophysica-GEIE IR spectra (for trace gas concentrations and brightness temperature) 367.9 kg
Temperature sensor (in situ) M55 Rosemount PT Geophysica-GEIE Temperature 23.0 kg
Trace Gas Analyzer Stratospheric Observation Unit for Nitrogen Oxid DLR Trace Gas concentrations 305.0 kg

Optional instruments

Instrument type Instrument name
Serial type
Operator Measured parameter Range Weight added
Aerosol LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) Airborne Lidar Experiment Geophysica-GEIE Aerosol backscatter coefficient 307.0 kg
Infrared Spectrometer M55 CRISTA New Frontiers Geophysica-GEIE IR spectra (for trace gas concentrations and brightness temperature) 360.0 kg
Counter-flow Virtual Impactor (CVI) M55 CVI package Geophysica-GEIE 337.0 kg
Infrared Spectrometer M55 MARSCHALS Geophysica-GEIE IR spectra (for trace gas concentrations and brightness temperature) 330.0 kg
Infrared Spectrometer M55 SAFIRE-A Geophysica-GEIE IR spectra (for trace gas concentrations and brightness temperature) 382.0 kg
Broad Band Radiometer M55 SORAD Geophysica-GEIE Hemispheric broadband radiance 5.0 kg
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