European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 07:55

Instrument: M55 MAL-up

Name M55 MAL-up
Acronym MAL-up-M55
Manufacturer Observatoire de Neuchatel
Operated by Geophysica-GEIE
Operated onboard

Instrument type

Name Aerosol LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging)
Acronym Aerosol LIDAR

Principle of operation

Measured parameter Aerosol backscatter coefficient
Operating principle

Laser pulses are transmitted, the backscattered radiation is collected in a telescope and measured by appropriate detectors. The ranging is done by measuring the pulse travel time. The backscattered signal contains information on the microphysical particle properties (aerosol Lidar).

Measurement(s) Active Remote Sensing

Dimension and weight

External dimension 51x32x17cm
Weight 27.0


Operating mode Remote sensing






Operational restriction

Operation temperature range: -5°C - 35°C

Operational requirements

2 lines with 4A under 28VDC. They shall be available before take-off of the aircraft.

Certification approvals

Additional information

Contact address:
Dr Valentin Mitev
Observatoire cantonal de Neuchâtel
Rue de l'Observatoire
58CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Tel.: 41 32 889 68 70
Fax.: 41 32 889 62 81

Access, host and processing


Could also fit on any aircraft having the following characteristics

General description

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