European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 03:25

Aircraft operator

Name Geophysica-Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico
Acronym Geophysica-GEIE
Country Italy
Contact STROH Fred

Main activities

Maintenance of the M-55 Geophysica, planning and integration and supervision of scientific campaigns in conjunction with ERS-Srl,STM-Ltd and MDB


Data processing

Several personal computers and knowledge of Atmospheric Sciences. A scientific data bank where data relative to several scientific campaigns are stored. Data are available upon signature of data protocol.


Possibility to train young scientists in atmospheric sciences, and young technicians for the management ofcomplex field campaigns.

Gound infrastructure

MDB: airfield facilities and hangars at Zhukovsky, Moscow Region.Presently in Italy the airport facilities of the airport Ridolfi of Forl�?¬ and the Hangar of SEAF are beingused.

Additional services

The Geophysica-GEIE operates the integration of different research projects, for maximising the scientific output and reducing the overall costs. It promotes the M-55 Geophysica activities.

Aircraft contact STROH Fred
Instruments contact STROH Fred
Calibration facilities contact N/A
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