European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 03:20

Aircraft operator

MetAir AG, Switzerland
Name MetAir AG, Switzerland
Acronym METAIR
Country Switzerland
Contact NEININGER Bruno

Main activities

- boundary layer research;
- urban plumes (photooxidants);
- Alpine meteorology and vertical transport of pollutants;
- regional CO2-budgets;
all in co-operation with the Research Center Juelich, Germany


Data processing

Diverse PC's, on-board and in office;
Internet access via ISDN, or GSM/GPRS in the field.


infrastructure of airfields LSZN and EDTG, several pilot instructurs in company. The facility is also suitable for scientific training, especially field work and practical operational aspects, includi

Gound infrastructure

Home offices of staff members;
Two hangar places and shared airfield infrastructure in central Switzerland (Hausen near Zurich, LSZN), and in Southern Germany (Bremgarten near Freiburg, EDTG).
Aircraft maintenance by Skyparts GmbH in Hausen.

Additional services

consulting, modification and manufacturing of scientific instruments
<a href="" target="new"><B>METAIR references to publications (click here)</B></a>
<a href="" target="new"><B>
Instruments specification(click here)</B></a>

Aircraft contact NEININGER Bruno
Instruments contact NEININGER Bruno
Calibration facilities contact NEININGER Bruno
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