European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 22, 2025, 23:48
Name | Natural Environment Research Council |
Acronym | NERC |
Country | United Kingdom |
Website | |
Contact | LLEWELLYN Gary |
The UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Airborne Research Facility (ARF, formally ARSF) exists to provide the environmental science community and other potential users with the means to obtain remotely sensed spectral and atmospheric data in support of research and survey programmes. The ARF provides the opportunity for training and promotes good practice in the use of remote sensing data, as well as promoting the awareness, application and technology of remote sensing techniques among the wider scientific community. The application of such data at almost any desired spatial and/or temporal frequency, is a cost effective means of monitoring the environment: terrestrial, freshwater, marine and atmospheric. Remotely sensed data are collected from hyperspectral imaging spectrometers, a LiDAR (Leica Geosystems ALS50-II) and a medium format digital camera (RCD105). The imaging spectrometers are a Specim Fenix (VNIR & SWIR) and a Specim Owl (LWIR/TIR – currently not within the EUFAR agreement). These data are provided at radiometrically and geometrically corrected data (level 1b). ARF operate around the world with specific opportunities matched with the support of UK nationally funded projects. Additional opportunities may be available in polar regions by ARF’s close association with British Antarctic Survey.
Data processing |
It uses a local GPS base-station to correct aircraft navigation data for precise positioning of imagery and provides radiometric calibration of data, which is delivered to users in standard Hierarchical Data Format (Level 1b data) via ftp site or on an external hard drive. |
Training |
Yes |
Gound infrastructure |
Meeting rooms, workshops and calibration facility. |
Additional services | N/A |
Aircraft contact | LLEWELLYN Gary |
Instruments contact | LLEWELLYN Gary |
Calibration facilities contact | LLEWELLYN Gary |
Title | Author | Type | Related |
NERC picture | MISHRA Kirti Bhushan, VON BUEREN Stefanie | Pictures |