European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 29, 2024, 07:19


Instruments found: 360.

Instrument type Instrument name/Serial type Operator Measured parameter Range Membership type
Aerosol Spectrometer Probe UHSAS UNIMAN Aerosol concentration and size distribution spectra Other
Ozone Analyzer UV-photometer-Metair METAIR O3 concentration Other
Cloud/Aerosol Microphysics Multi-function Instrument VACC UNILEEDS Aerosol and cloud droplet properties Other
Camera - photogrammetry VEXCEL ULTRACAM Mark 3 ENTA of ATHENA/RIC Surface images Other
Laser Altimeter VHF 3300 flp GTK Aircraft height above surface Other
Camera - video Video-INTA INTA Colour movies Other
Imaging Spectrometer VIS-LS Optimare Radiance Spectra Other
Visible/Near Infra Red Spectrometer VIS/NIR spectrometer Interspect Radiance Other
Camera - video VisIR-KIT KIT, IMK-IFU Colour movies Other
Laser scanner VQ580 AWI surface maps Other
Broad Band Radiometer Walz-UV-Pyranometer KIT, IMK-IFU Hemispheric broadband radiance Other
Whole Air Samples WAS-FAAM FAAM VOC, Alkyl nitrates, halocarbons, CFCs, HCFCs Other
InfraRed Doppler lidar WIND DLR Altitude specific aircraft-relative wind vector Member
Non dew/frost point hygrometer WVSS-II METOFFICE Water Vapour, Relative Humidity Member
Camera - photogrammetry Zeiss-RMK-A DLR Surface images Member
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