European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 11:34

Expert Working Group

Name Cloud Microphysics
Description Microphysics - Liquid and Ice phase
Leader WENDISCH Manfred

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Event date Title/Location Contact Creation
Last update
24/06/2010 FP7: EWG meeting 05 (Textbook)
Portland, USA
WENDISCH Manfred 29/03/2010 00:00
07/07/2010 00:00
13/09/2006 FP6: 1st Aerosols & Microphysics EWG (13-15/09/06)
Paris (France)
FORMENTI Paola 13/03/2006 00:00
25/09/2007 00:00
16/09/2002 FP5: Microphysics EWG (16-20/09/2002)
Capua (Italy)
DUROURE Christophe 19/09/2005 00:00
24/01/2008 00:00
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