European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 09:33


Aircraft found: 42

Aircraft designation Operator Engine category Categories Range at max fuel (km) Practical ceiling (ft) Max scientific payload (kg) Min speed (m/s) Min altitude above sea (ft) Min altitude above ground (ft) Membership type
ASK16 - FUB FUB Motorized glider Troposphere 1 000 10 000 0 28 492 492 Member
ATR42 - SAFIRE SAFIRE Turbo propeller Troposphere 2 200 21 000 3 300 70 200 500 Member
Aztec - SAFIRE SAFIRE Propeller Troposphere 1 000 10 000 180 30 200 300 Member
BAe146 - FAAM FAAM Jet Atmospheric boundary layer, Land/Sea surface properties, Troposphere 3 700 30 000 11 000 80 50 250 Other
BN Defender IES Turbo propeller Land/Sea surface properties 1 448 3 000 700 30 201 600 Other
BNI - MUMM M.U.M.M. Propeller Troposphere 1 333 1 500 217 33 200 500 Other
C 207 - FUB FUB Propeller Troposphere 800 11 500 400 50 492 492 Member
C 208 - AEROPHOTO-SFS-ATHENA/RIC ENTA of ATHENA/RIC Turbo propeller Atmospheric boundary layer, Land/Sea surface properties, Troposphere 2 075 15 000 700 25 500 500 Other
C 208 - CzechGlobe CzechGlobe Turbo propeller Troposphere 1 806 10 000 1 045 41 50 500 Member
C 208 - DLR DLR Turbo propeller Land/Sea surface properties, Troposphere 1 026 15 000 0 50 200 500 Member
C 208 - Enviscope Enviscope Turbo propeller Troposphere 2 400 25 000 0 31 1 640 1 640 Other
C 402B - MUNICIPIA MUNICIPIA Propeller Land/Sea surface properties 1 330 10 000 0 57 300 300 Other
CASA 212 AR - INTA INTA Turbo propeller Troposphere 1 760 12 000 2 800 46 300 500 Other
CASA 212 RS - INTA INTA Propeller Troposphere 1 760 12 000 2 800 46 300 500 Other
CITATION - NLR NLR Jet 3 000 43 000 0 44 100 100 Other
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