European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 03:27

Aircraft operator

Institute for Environmental Solutions
Name Institute for Environmental Solutions
Acronym IES
Country Latvia
Contact JAKOVELS Dainis

Main activities

Institute for Environmental Solutions (IES) is located in Latvia in airfield near town Cesis. IES has developed Airborne Surveillance and Environmental Monitoring System (ARSENAL) - a constellation of three hyperspectral imagers (covering VIS-NIR-SWIR-MWIR or 365-5000 nm spectral range), topographic LiDAR, broadband thermal and UV imagers and high resolution RGB camera. The carrier of ARSENAL is aircraft BN-2T-4S Defender .


Data processing

We have assembled PC workstation to handle processing of large data. Data output depends on user needs, could be radiance/reflectance for hyperspectral data, DEMs for LiDAR data or thematic maps/classification result that is fusion of different sensor dat


Our flying laboratory and ground facilities are located in the same place - a small airfield near the town of Cesis in Latvia. We are open to visitors and potential new users to demonstrate our infras

Gound infrastructure

Hangars and offices (also meeting room) are located in a small airfield near the town of Cesis in Latvia.

Additional services

Our team includes experts and researchers in the assessment and management of forests, lakes and habitats.

Aircraft contact JAKOVELS Dainis
Instruments contact JAKOVELS Dainis
Calibration facilities contact N/A
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