European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 09:35

Aircraft: BN Defender

BN Defender
Aircraft acronym BN Defender Registration number YL-FBI
Operator Institute for Environmental Solutions Transnational Access status Closed to TA
Manufacturer BN-2T-4S Defender Engine category Turbo propeller
Aircraft type Research Categories Land/Sea surface properties


  • Length: 12.2 m
  • Height: 4.37 m
  • Wingspan: 16.15 m
Airplane dimensions 12.2 m 4.37 m 16.15 m

Flying performances

Min speed 30 m/s
Max speed 82 m/s
Usual speed during measurements 40 m/s
Usual speed during transit flights 67 m/s
Ascent rate 5 m/s
Min altitude
  • Above sea: 201 ft
  • Above ground: 600 ft
Max ceiling 24 000 ft
Usual ceiling during measurements 3 000 ft
Ceiling limitations

up to 12000 ft without oxygen

Empty weight 2 257 kg
Max take-off weight 3 855 kg
Max payload 900 kg
Max scientific payload 700 kg (X-coordinate of 2nd point)
Usual scientific payload during measurements 400 kg
Scientific payload for max endurance 400 kg (X-coordinate of 1st point)
Aircraft autonomy

Max endurance at min scientific payload and max fuel 7 h (Y-coordinate of 1st point)
Endurance at max scientific payload 3 h (Y-coordinate of 2nd point)

Max range 1 448 km (at min scientific payload and max fuel)
Conditions for max range

1 pilot, 1 operator, 400 kg payload

Range at max scientific payload 400 km
Usual range during measurement flight 1 200 km

Weather conditions limitations

VFR/IFR Approved Certified to fly in known icing conditions

Take-off runway length 570 m

2x Rolls Royce 250-B17F/1 turbine engines


Crew and scientists on board

Crew (pilots + operators)

1 pilot + 1 operator

Seats available for scientists



Length 5.32 m
Width 1.09 m
Height 1.26 m

Floor: 1x 0.54mx0.51m, 1x 0.54m x0.635m

Cabin pressurized


More information

Cabin length - 3.68m flat surface. 5.32m incl cargo bay

Aircraft modifications

Nose boom



Bubble observation windows on both sides


2 camera apertures

Hard points

4 Hardpoints under wing



Additionnal systems

Sliding door, ob

Acquisition systems

Airborne Surveillance and Environmental Monitoring System (ARSENAL):
- Surevillance system - UltraFORCE II (320x240 px thermal imager, 752x582 px color camera)
- Standard nadir sensors - three hyperspectral imagers (CASI, SASI, MASI) covering 365-5000 nm spectral range, topographic LiDAR, high resolution RGB camera
- Additional nadir sensors - broadband thermal and ultraviolet imagers

Electrical power

Aircraft total electrical power (kW)

28VDC 120amp = 3.36kW

Electrical power (kW) and voltages (V) available for scientists

3x 28VDC 20 amp 0.56kW
2x 28VDC 15 amp 0.42kW
1x 28VDC 30amp 0.84kW

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