European Facility For Airborne Research Jan. 15, 2025, 12:49
data archive: A facility providing storage, preservation, disposition and distribution of data sets and associated metadata.
data acquisition: Time span, when data are recorded.
data processing: Radiometric, atmospheric and geometric correction of sensor data in order to derive information or prepare this data for deriving knowledge.
data product: General term to indicate raw data, validation data, auxiliary data, fast delivery, regenerated, or precision products.
data provider: Any institution offering access to data required over area of interests determined by a user.
dark current (DC): Dark current is one of the main sources of noise in image sensors.
derived product: A data product generated by using an algorithm or model to create a higher level product.
de-striping: Process that removes the systematic striping or banding that often occurs in multispectral scanners.
detector: A device that detects and linearly transduces radiative power into an electrical signal.
digital elevation model (DEM): A representation of the topography of the Earth in digital format, that is, by coordinates and numerical descriptions of altitude.
digital surface model (DSM): A representation of the topography of the Earth including buildings, vegetation, natural terrain features, etc. in digital format, that is, by coordinates and numerical descriptions of altitude.
digital terrain model (DTM): see digital elevation model (DEM).
direct georeferencing: Use of IMU and GPS measurements, acquired parallel to the image data, to determine the external orientation of the sensor for georeferencing.
distortion: A change in scale from one part of an image to another.
dynamic range: Range of At-Sensor Radiances to be measured within the linear response of the instrument from a minimum to a maximum at-sensor radiance level.