European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research March 14, 2025, 14:05

EUFAR Metadata Creator Help

Quick description of EMC

The EUFAR Metadata Creator (EMC) is developed by EUFAR using Eclipse, Google Web Toolkit and Java. XML files generated by this version conform to the INSPIRE standard v1.3. For more information, or to report a bug, please contact The latest offline version and source code of the EUFAR Metadata Creator can be found here. The latest online version and source code of the EUFAR Metadata Creator can be found here.

What is the purpose of EMC ?

Metadata are critical for preparing a ready-for-use dataset after a field experiment. In the EUFAR database, available metadata will assist operators to store their datasets under good conditions, and thereafter will help users to search effectively for specific data. The goal of the EUFAR Metadata Creator is to produce global metadata dedicated to a particular dataset for Airborne Scientific Campaigns. As EUFAR is a European project and seeks to be compatible with other main European initiatives, the use of the EMC to generate xml files generated will ensure the files conform to the version 1.3 of the INSPIRE metadata and XML Standard.

What can you do with EMC ?

With EMC, you have a tool to create an xml file containing an INSPIRE set of metadata dedicated to airborne research, plus other metadata, like the aircraft used for the campaign or the different instruments.

How EMC is working ?

EMC is a small GWT program which uses user inputs to create a small xml file . The main part of the program is executed in the internet browser of the user. The read/write parts of the program are handled by the EUFAR server. All xml files uploaded to EMC are not stored on the server and won't be available for the next EMC session.

What to do with EMC and the xml file ?

Just launch EMC and follow the flow. All tabs are mandatory if you decide to use EMC for a Transnational Access project.

In the EUFAR community, EMC is linked to each project, that is to say once the campaign is finished an EMC xml file have to be created. Then it has to be send to the EUFAR database manager. The xml file will be stored in the database with all the flight datasets. Those metadata will help future user in their search queries and make the EUFAR database compatible with other European initiatives.

Page last modified on Aug. 12, 2024, 01:42
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