European Facility For Airborne Research March 7, 2025, 03:11
The 7th EUFAR Training Course, financed by EUFAR and jointly organised together with CNR-ISAC and VITO, will take place from 25 June to 4 July 2017 in Shannon, Ireland. Entitled, "Exploring Air-Sea Interaction via Airborne Measurements (EASI)", the training course will take place at the Shannon airport. A visit to the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station is planned.
Click here, to access the training course flyer.
Click here to download the photobook of all EASI students.
Click here to download the photobook of all EASI trainers and organisers.
Click here to download the EASI travel and information guide.
Photo Gallery: EUFAR EASI Training Course, June-July 2017
The primary goal of the EASI training course is to teach and train students (PhD and Post- graduate level) and young scientists on the use of a research aircraft, and on the experimental possibilities it opens for atmospheric physics and chemistry research. This implies providing them with an overview of airborne and remote sensing experimental techniques, and of specific features of collecting and analysing airborne measurements. In addition, EASI aims to transfer consolidated knowledge on and recent advancements in specific topics related to air-sea interaction, and near coastal boundary layer structure and dynamics.
Specifically, flight experiments performed with the French SAFIRE aircraft ATR42, and lectures during the training course will address the problem of air-sea interaction, focusing on turbulence fluctuations in the near-costal boundary layer, clouds microphysics, atmospheric composition, marine aerosols and the impacts on climate, momentum and heat exchanges at the air/sea interface. Lectures will be alternated with working group sessions on instrument calibration, safety issues and data analysis. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station.
To achieve the scientific aims of the course, the airborne campaign will include data collection of physical quantities related to turbulent fluctuations, radiative properties and microphysical properties in the near-coastal boundary layer and in marine clouds.
Data acquired during the training course or archived data will be processed and analysed with the support of experienced users of airborne facilities and form the basis for the final scientific report. Archived data will also be made available.
The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and a limited number of university lecturers. For the early-stage researchers, a strong scientific knowledge-base (in physics, chemistry, bio-engineering or civil engineering) is required to participate in this training course.
Early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State are eligible to apply to join the EUFAR training course and are also eligible for T&S support through EUFAR.
Early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in non-EU or non-EU Associated State institutions may apply to join the EUFAR training course but if accepted will have to finance their own travel and accommodation.
All trainees should confirm that they have travel and field work insurance provided by their home institute before attending the course.
The participants of the EASI training course will be selected by EASI’s Evaluation Committee based on CV/scientific background, interest, expectations and contribution to the training course.
I. Reusen (EUFAR ET coordin., VITO, BE)
The training course will begin with a self-introduction of students, followed by lectures (theory and case studies), tutorials, demonstration and training flight sampling strategies and data analysis. Participants - with the assistance of Scientific Working Group leaders- will be able to develop their own sampling strategies and flight plans for acquiring data during EASI flight campaign, flying in the near coastal environment close to Shannon region. If the weather conditions allow, scientific flights will be performed preferably in the flight window 28 June – 1 July 2017. In parallel with the flight campaign, ground measurements will be performed by the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station staff. Archived and acquired data will be processed and analysed with the help of experienced tutors.
On the last day of the training course, the Scientific Working Groups will present their experiment and preliminary results based on data acquired during the training course.
A programme is available here.
The programme maybe subject to small changes.
EUFAR Welcome and introduction (F. Cairo)
An introduction to atmospheric turbulence (S. Malinowski)
The structure of marine & coastal atmospheric boundary layers (I. Faloona)
Airborne measurements of aerosols and clouds - 1 (F. Cairo)
Airborne measurements of aerosols and clouds - 2 (F. Cairo)
Airborne measurements of aerosols and clouds - 3 (F. Cairo)
Airborne measurements of aerosols and clouds - Exercises (F. Cairo)
Aircraft modifications and possible measurements on board the ATR42 (SAFIRE Staff)
Real Time Data display onboard, quick-looks (SAFIRE Staff)
Flight operations, aircraft limitations and flight procedures (SAFIRE Staff)
EGADS tool for data analysis and visualization (O. Henry)
Processing core parameters of the ATR42 (B. Piguet)
Flux estimation, scalar budgeting techniques, and atmospheric chemistry (I. Faloona)
How to manage quick looks and high-frequency data (B. Piguet)
Estimation of turbulence properties from airborne measurements (S. Malinowski)
Flux estimations (I. Faloona)
Coastal meteorology (M. M. Miglietta)
Sea Breeze (M. M. Miglietta)
Coastal Patterns (M. M. Miglietta)
Click here, to download the scientific group report template.
Working Group Scientific Reports will be made available here after the training course (accessible to registered EUFAR members).
The training course will take place at the Oak Wood Hotel, with a visit to the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station.
Address: The Oak Wood Hotel, Airport Road, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland,
Selected early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State:
Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (this includes travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation, meals, etc.). Rooms will be booked and fully covered by EUFAR at the Oak Wood Hotel.
All travel tickets will be booked and paid directly by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.
Flight/ train tickets must be booked, if reasonably possible, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.
Selected early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in non-EU or non-EU Associated State institutions:
These participants will have to finance their own travel. Rooms may be booked by EUFAR at the Oakwood Hotel on request but will be at the participant's own expense.