European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 23, 2025, 16:19
Combined analyses of ALS and HSI | ||
Matching up ALS/HSI data | PML |
HYLIGHT Tool: ALS/HSI target matching tool Purpose: Match near neighbours of ALS to HSI points and vice-versa. |
ALS/HSI comparison toward calibration improvement (1) | TU Vienna |
HYLIGHT tool: opalsRadioCal Purpose: Use Full Waveform information to compute reflectance for laser scanning points of extended targets |
ALS/HSI comparison toward calibration improvement (2) | TAU |
HYLIGHT tool: LWIR radiance Planck fit + Approximate emissivity Purpose: Planck curve fit + emissivity extraction |
HSI to improve ALS | ||
ALS filtering using HSI | PML, ONERA |
HYLIGHT tool: ALS classification tool Purpose: Improve classification of ALS using the HSI classifications. If data collected at same time then also classify cloud & haze. |
Biomass estimation | CVGZ |
HYLIGHT tools: BiomassMapper tool Purpose: Estimate tree biomass |
ALS to improve HSI | ||
Advanced slope and aspect data for HSI processing using ALS | INTA |
HYLIGHT tool: SLP_ASP_calculator Purpose: Improving the calculation of slope and aspect maps using ALS data and actual characteristics of HSI imagery |
DSM for improved geometric correction | VITO |
HYLIGHT tool: DSM creator Purpose: Create DSM from ALS data |
3D atmospheric correction (1) | ONERA |
HYLIGHT tool: ICARE-HS Purpose: Atmospheric correction of urban HSI images using ALS-derived DSM to account for 3D radiometric effects |
3D atmospheric correction (2) | UZH |
HYLIGHT tool: AtmoCorr3D (under development) Purpose: Shadow correction for HSI images using 3D canopy structure parameters derived from ALS and a radiative transfer model. |
Processing of ALS-derived DSM/DTM for HSI processing | DLR |
HYLIGHT tool: LAVA – LAS Variability tool Purpose: Calculation of error margins of the DSM/DTM |
Generation of shadow fraction (1) | UZH |
HYLIGHT tool: Irradiance fraction tool Purpose: Estimation of direct and diffuse irradiance fraction for each HSI pixel using a radiative transfer modeling approach |
Generation of shadow fraction (2) | VITO |
HYLIGHT tool: Shadow fraction tool Purpose: Shadow fraction with LAS processing and put in same grid cell |
Biophysical parameter retrieval | UZH |
HYLIGHT tool: PAI estimation tool Purpose: Estimate voxel based plant area index (PAI) for the parameterization of the radiative transfer model DART |
Tree classification | VITO |
HYLIGHT tool: Tree species classification tool Purpose: Classify tree species using ALS-derived vegetation percentage height values (PHV) as additional layer |
Related publications:
Prado, E., de Miguel, E., Martín, A. I. (2015). Aproximación al uso de datos ALS en el cálculo de reflectancias en terreno montañoso. In Proceedings Teledetección: Humedales y Espacios Protegidos. XVI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección ISBN: 978-84-608-1726-0, 517-520.
Kükenbrink, D., Leiterer, R., Schneider, F. D., Schaepman, M. E., & Morsdorf, F. (2015). Voxel based occlusion mapping and plant area index estimation from airborne laser scanning data. In Proceedings of SilviLaser 2015 - September 28-30 (pp. 232-234). La Grande Motte, France.
Roncat, A., Briese, C. & Pfeifer, N. (2016). A comparison of lidar reflectance and radiometrically calibrated hyperspectral imagery. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLI-B7, 705-710, doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B7-705-2016.
Ceamanos, X., Briottet, X., Roussel, G., Gilardy, H. (2016). ICARE-HS: Atmospheric correction of airborne hyperspectral urban images using 3D information. Proc. SPIE, 10008, Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications in Urban Environments. doi:10.1117/12.2241799.
Kuekenbrink, D., Schneider, F.D., Leiterer, R., Schaepman, M.E., Morsdorf, F. (2016). Quantification of hidden canopy volume of airborne laser scanning data using a voxel traversal algorithm. Remote Sensing of Environment, Special Issue of the SilviLaser Conference. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2016.10.023.
Moritz Brugisser, Andreas Roncat, Michael E. Schaepman, Felix Morsdorf (2017). Retrieval of higher order statistical moments from full-waveform LiDAR data for tree species classification, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 196, July 2017, Pages 28-41, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.04.025
Roncat, A., Pfeifer, N., Briese, C. (2017). Assessment of bottom-of-atmosphere reflectance in LIDAR data as reference for hyperspectral imagery. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol IV-2/W4, 2017, ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017, 18-22 September 2017, Wuhan, China,