European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 11:37

User Details

Family name CHORMANSKI
Name Jaroslaw
Nationality Poland
Name Warsaw University of Life Science
Department Hydraulic Engineering
Town Warsaw
Country Poland
Institution legal status University
Institution description WULS is the oldest agricultural academic school in Poland. It consists of 13 faculties with 25,000 students enrolled who choose from 33 disciplines and 61 specialties. Dept. Hydraulic Engineering research activity focuses on hydrology, hydrological processes, water resources management, river engineering, investigation and physical modeling. Significant fields of research activities is application of GIS, remote and proximal sensing techniques for water related processes, soil science, vegetation mapping.
Contact information
Address ul. Nowoursynowska 159, Warszawa, Poland
Phone hidden
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