European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 23, 2025, 17:57

User Details

Family name PEDDI
Name Hari
Nationality India
Name Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Department Centre for Environment
Institution legal status
Institution description This university has been deemed an autonomous one after Act No 30 of the approval of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature known as the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Universities Act, 2008 which came into force on 18th August, 2008. It is a teaching cum research oriented university consisting of the constituent and affiliated colleges. The main officers and councils of the university are Chancellor, Vice-chancellor, Rector, Executive council and Academic Senate. The Governor of Andhra Pradesh shall be the Chancellor of the university. The first vice-chancellor of the university is Dr.D.N.Reddy a brilliant administrator and widely read scholar. Constituent Units: Picking out bright students from the rural backgrounds through its impartial selection system and honing them according to the needs and requirements of today’s cut-throat competitive world, thereby preparing them for a challenge called “life” is what this university excels in. Fully autonomous now, after an act of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council Bills 1&2 with effect from 18th August 2008,the colleges that come under this university are : JNTU College of Engineering,Hyderabad(CEH) Bullet JNTU College of Engineering, Karimnagar Bullet JNTU School of Information Technology (SIT) Bullet JNTU Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Bullet JNTU School of Management Studies (SMS) Bullet JNTU Academic Staff College (ASC). A premier institution with academic and research -oriented courses, the B.Tech programs (Undergraduate programs) are about 25. Major branches among them are Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Electronics, Electrical, Instrumentation &Control, Metallurgy, Mechanical, Bio-medical, Civil and many more. A few courses are also offered through the correspondence cum contact mode. The Post-Graduate programs form about 77 in number namely M.Tech, MSIT,MBA,MCA and MSc. The major branches are Bio-Technology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Remote-Sensing &GIS, Electronics& Communication Engineering, Water Resources, Mechanical Engineering, Nano-Technology, Energy Systems, Environmental Studies, Microbiology, Food-Technology and many more like Management, Computer Applications, Pharmaceutical Sciences etc. Global Collaboration: To make our students get a wide global exposure, a few collaborative programs with International Universities of repute have been designed. Some of them are 1)School of Information Technology (SIT) with Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2)School of Management Studies with Central Michigan University,USA 3) JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad with Kansas State University USA 4) JNTU Hyderabad with Blekinge Institute of Technology,Sweden. Knowledge has no barriers -indepth exploration of it is essential to discover hidden areas. Keeping this principle in mind the university offers Research -Oriented courses like Master of Science(MS) in Engineering, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Science and Humanities and Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D) in all streams.The admission procedure centres around merit.The admission to B.Tech courses are through the ranks acquired in the State wide common entrance examination i.e Engg Agriculture Medicine Common entrance examination(EAMCET exam) conducted by the A.P. State Council for Higher Education. Entry to the post-graduate courses like MBA and MCA are by the scores in the ICET examination. Admission to M.Tech programs are based on the GATE or an entrance test conducted by the university with the basic eligibility criteria being a Bachelor’s degree in the appropriate field. For admission to Research programs, stringent rules are followed. Admission to MS course which is a Research degree in Engineering consists of an Entrance test and Interview. M.Phil is offered through an interview mode, for post-graduate holders. The theory exam has to be cleared followed by submission of thesis based on their Research work. The Ph.D program is flexible in nature with full-time and part-time external programs. Admission is for candidates possessing post graduation in the concerned area followed by a written test and interview. Passing the Pre Ph.D exam is a must followed by submission of research work. For external registration the candidate must be employed in any Research& Development organization with permission to use the library facilities. Along with this a Research Supervisor must be chosen from his parent organization and another one from the university.
Contact information
Address Address: Room No: 519, 4th Floor, IST/SIT building, JNTUH Campus Kukatpally,Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. PIN Code: 500 085
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