European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 07:17

User Details

Family name WANG
Name Difeng
Nationality China
Name Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration
Department State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics
Institution legal status
Institution description The second Institute of Oceanography which was established in 1966 is a non-benefit oceanographic research institute directly under the State Oceanic Administration (SOA). It is mainly engaged in the ocean scientific research on China seas, oceans and polar regions as well as the R&D of the high technology for the oceanic environment and resources investigation and survey. The institute owns one national key lab and three key labs of SOA, five scientific research and technological R&D centers with different type of superior equipments and advanced exploration techniques and methods. There are 3 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 super specialist of Zhejiang Province and more than 300 scientists and technicians in the institute. In the recent years, closely around the international ocean scientific fronts and the national demands, the institute has lunched various ocean scientific research movements, undertaken and fulfilled numerous national and local significant ocean scientific research projects as well as the projects on ocean engineering survey, design and evaluation.
Contact information
Address Baochubei Rd. 36, Hangzhou
Phone hidden
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