European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 23, 2025, 20:04

Previous Training Courses


9th EUFAR training course " Airborne remote sensing for monitoring essential biodiversity variables in forest ecosystems (RS4ForestEBV)"


This training course has been organised by the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente  and EUFAR, with funding from EUFAR, jointly held in the Bavarian Forest National Park and the German Aerospace Centre - DLR in Oberpfaffenhofenfrom 3 to 14 July 2017.

Flyer available here.
More information available here.
Deadline for submission of Working Group Scientific Reports to is 15/12/2017.

Click here, to download the scientific group report template. Working Group Scientific Reports will be made available here (accessible to registered EUFAR members).

Photo Gallery: link to be provided after the training course.

Education & Training - RS4ForestEBV Training Course


Entitled, “RS4ForestEBV - Airborne remote sensing for monitoring essential biodiversity variables in forest ecosystems", the 9th EUFAR Training Course, financed by EUFAR and jointly organised together with the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, will be held in the Bavarian Forest National Park and the German Aerospace Centre - DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen from 3 to 14 July 2017.

Forest management requires the use of comprehensive remote sensing data which enable monitoring biodiversity changes. Biophysical and biochemical vegetation parameters can characterise changes in biodiversity through changes in ecosystem structure and function. In this training course, the special skills required for processing the new generation of airborne hyperspectral, thermal, and LiDAR data for retrieving essential biodiversity variables in forest ecosystems will be presented.

The ground data collection that will be performed during the first week of the training course at the Bavarian Forest National Park aims to provide the participants (PhD students, post-docs and university lecturers) with knowhow on tools (field spectroscopy, thermal spectrometry and terrestrial LiDAR) and measurement techniques to collect different vegetation variables. In addition, an airborne campaign for concurrent acquisitions of hyperspectral, thermal and LiDAR, data will be organised during the training course if the weather conditions allow. The flight experiment will be conducted on board an instrument research aircraft (to be determined).

Data acquired during the training course as well as archived data will be processed and analysed in the hands-on sessions with the support of experienced users of airborne facilities and form the basis for the final scientific report. RS4forestEBV data will also be made available after the training course via the EUFAR website, accessible to all EUFAR registered members.

Furthermore, during the second week, participants will be able to attend certain sessions of the 2nd International Conference on Airborne Research for the Environment (ICARE) that will be held simultaneously on the DLR premises from 10 -13 July 2017.

To download the RS4ForestEBV flyer, click here.


Through this training course, participants will learn:

  • learn how to design and set up a field and airborne campaign
  • become familiarised with different field instruments
  • learn how to map different vegetation parameters using hyperspectral visible/NIR /thermal and LiDAR data
  • understand the advantage of each data source and the best combinations of data sources for retrieving vegetation parameters
  • understand data processing chains
  • understand the challenge of collecting and integrating forest field data with remote sensing imagery

Target audience:

The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and a limited number of university lecturers. For the early-stage researchers, a scientific knowledge-base in remote sensing, biology, forestry and some experience in the use of geo-information and image analysis software is required to participate in this training course.


Early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State are eligible to apply to join the EUFAR training course and are also eligible for T&S support through EUFAR.

Early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in non-EU or non-EU Associated State institutions may apply to join the EUFAR training course but if accepted will have to finance their own travel and accommodation.

All trainees should confirm that they have travel and field work insurance provided by their home institute before attending the course.


The participants of the training course will be selected by the RS4ForestEBV Evaluation Committee based on CV/scientific background, interest, expectations and contribution to the training course.

Scientific Committee:

  • A. K. Skidmore (Uni. of Twente)
  • R. Darvishzadeh (Uni. of Twente)
  • T. Wang (Uni. of Twente)
  • S. Holzwarth (DLR)
  • M. Bachmann & N. Pinnel (DLR)
  • M. Heurich (Bavarian Forest National Park)
  • J. Mueller (Bavarian Forest National Park)
  • I. Reusen (EUFAR ET coordin., VITO)
  • H. Latifi (University of Wurzburg)

Organising Committee:

  • A. K. Skidmore (Uni. of Twente)
  • R. Darvishzadeh (Uni. of Twente)
  • S. Holzwarth (DLR)
  • M. Heurich (Bavarian Forest National Park)
  • L. Diarra (Météo-France/ EUFAR)
  • I. Reusen (EUFAR ET coordin., VITO)
  • M. Stary (Šumava National Park)

Keynote speakers:

  •  A. K. Skidmore (Uni. of Twente)
  • R. Darvishzadeh (Uni. of Twente)
  • T. Wang (Uni. of Twente)
  • E. Neinavaz (Uni. of Twente)
  • I. Reusen (EUFAR ET coordin., VITO)
  • S. Holzwarth (DLR)
  • M. Bachmann & N. Pinnel (DLR)
  • U. Heiden (DLR)
  • A. Mueller (DLR)
  • M. Heurich (Bavarian Forest National Park)
  • J. Mueller (Bavarian Forest National Park)
  • M. Stary (Sumava)
  • H. Latifi (University of Wurzburg)
  • G. Llewellyn (NERC)
  • R. Van De Kerchove (VITO)
  • Jochem Verelst (Uni. Valencia)
  • A. Baumgartner (DLR)
  • T. Storch (DLR)
  • C. Atzberger (BOKU)
  • L. Homolova (CzechGlobe)
  • X. Zhu (Uni. of Twente)
  • J. Hagge (Bavarian Forest National Park, Technical Uni. of Munich)
  • N. Coops (Uni. of British Columbia)

Scientific Group Leaders:

  •  E. Neinavaz (Uni. of Twente)
  • H. Latifi (University of Wurzburg)
  • R. Darvishzadeh (Uni. of Twente)/S. Holzwarth (DLR)


A programme is available here.

The programme might be subject to small changes.


EUFAR Education and Training (I. Reusen)

Research and Conservation in the Bavarian Forest National Park (M. Heurich)

Sumava National Park (M. Stary)

Introduction to Data: Hyperspectral Thermal (E. Neinavaz)

Remote Sensing of EBVs for Global Change Monitoring (A. Skidmore)

Sampling Design (T. Wang)

Introduction to LiDAR: Theory, Sensors and Measurement Principles (H. Latifi)

Introduction to Date Source: Hyperspectral (M. Bachmann)

Introduction to the Design of the Flight Plan (G. Llewellyn, S. Holzwarth)

Introduction to the DLR Data Stream Analysis (S. Holzwarth)

CODE-DE Copernicus Data and Exploitation Platform for Germany (A. Mueller)

EnMap: Introduction to the Future Hyperspectral Satellite Mission (T. Storch)

Introduction to Calibration Home Base of DLR (A. Baumgartner)

Tree Species Classification (N. Pinnell)

Analysis of Field Data (E. Neinavaz)

Image Pre-Processing and Processing (E. Neinavaz)

Hyperspectral Image Preprocessing (M. Bachmann)

Data Fusion Hyperspectral & LiDAR (R. Van De Kerchove)

Vegetation Attributes & LiDAR (N. Coops)

Modelling the EBVs (E. Neinavaz)

Inversion of Radiative Transfer Model 'INFORM' (C. Atzberger) 

Scientific Working Group reports:

Click here, to download the scientific group report template.

To download the training course scientific report, click here (accessible to EUFAR registered members).


The training course will take place at the following venues:

Bavarian Forest National Park (3-9 July)

DLR site Oberpfaffenhofen (10-14 July)

Travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses:

Selected early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State:

Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (this includes travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation, meals, etc.). Rooms reservations will be made by EUFAR at a selected hotel.

All travel tickets will be booked and paid directly by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.

Flight/ train tickets must be booked, if reasonably possible, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.

 Selected early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in non-EU or non-EU Associated State institutions:

These participants will have to finance their own travel. Rooms may be booked by EUFAR on request but this will be at the participant's own expense.

8th EUFAR training course "School and Training on Aircraft New techniques for Atmospheric Composition Observation (STANCO)"


This training course has been organised by DiSPUTER of the University “G. d'Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara and EUFAR, with funding from EUFAR, from 26 June to 6 July 2017 in Cambridge, UK.

Flyer available here.
More information available here.
Deadline for submission of Working Group Scientific Reports to is 15/12/2017.

Click here, to download the scientific group report template. Working Group Scientific Reports will be made available here (accessible to registered EUFAR members).

Photo Gallery: EUFAR STANCO Training Course, June-July 2017

EUFAR STANCO Training Course


The 8th EUFAR Training Course, financed by EUFAR and jointly organised together with DiSPUTER of the University “G. d'Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara will take place from 26 June to 6 July 2017 in Cambridge, UK.  

Entitled, “School and Training on Aircraft New techniques for Atmospheric Composition Observation", the training course will take place at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Cambridge (UK). During the course, a visit to the FAAM (Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements) at Cranfield airport will be organised to have a first overview of the BAe-146 and of the instruments installed on board the aircraft. The lectures will be integrated with three mission flights using the BAe-146 aircraft where students will have the opportunity to have hands-on training on conducting airborne measurements.

To download the STANCO flyer, click here.

Click here to download the photobook of all STANCO students.

Click here to download the photobook of all STANCO trainers and organisers.

Click here to download the STANCO travel and information guide.

Photo Gallery: EUFAR STANCO Training Course, June-July 2017


The main objective is to provide an overview on measurement techniques, data analysis and specifics of airborne measurements of species relevant in the atmosphere. Emphasis will be on new instruments and emerging techniques for aircraft observations.

Air pollution and climate changes are global problems and the species responsible for these environmental issues are emitted essentially by the same process: fossil fuel burning.

The observations of these compounds using aircraft platforms are needed as usually most of these measurements are highly dependent on altitude and exhibit large horizontal variability. Aircraft allow in-situ measurements that can be used to identify and track emission plume of atmospheric trace gases.

The lectures will include an introduction on atmospheric composition focusing on pollution transport, vertical distribution of atmospheric compounds and links between air pollution and climate changes. They will also cover the technical, engineering and safety aspects of airborne measurements.

Subject to operational constraints, all students will have the opportunity to participate in a research flight on the FAAM instrumented BAe-146 aircraft. Data will then be processed and analysed with the support of experienced users of airborne facilities.

Through this training course, participants will learn:

  • how to develop a measurement strategy and design a flight plan for an airborne campaign;
  • experimental techniques to study the atmospheric composition on-board aircraft;
  • how to develop sampling strategies to measure trace gases and aerosols in the atmosphere;
  • how to calibrate aircraft instruments and validate airborne measurements;
  • the post-process techniques of airborne data.

Target audience:

The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and a limited number of university lecturers. For the early-stage researchers, a scientific knowledge-base in atmospheric physics, meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, environmental fluid dynamics and some experience in the use of geo-information software is required to participate in this training course.


Early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State are eligible to apply to join the EUFAR training course and are also eligible for T&S support through EUFAR.

Early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in non-EU or non-EU Associated State institutions may apply to join the EUFAR training course but if accepted will have to finance their own travel and accommodation.

All trainees should confirm that they have travel and field work insurance provided by their home institute before attending the course.


The participants of the STANCO training course will be selected by STANCO’s Evaluation Committee based on CV/scientific background, interest, expectations and contribution to the training course.

Directors of the Course:

  • Piero Di Carlo (Univ. Chieti-Pescara, IT)
  • Jim McQuaid (Univ. Leeds, UK)

Organising Committee:

  • Piero Di Carlo (Univ. Chieti-Pescara, IT)
  • Jim McQuaid (Univ. Leeds, UK)
  • IIs Reusen (EUFAR ET coordin., VITO, BE)
  • Lilian Diarra (Météo-France/ EUFAR, FR)
  • Radovan Krejci (Stockholm Univ., SE)

Keynote speakers:

1) Rod Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)

2) Alex Archibald (University of Cambridge, UK)

3) Phil Brown (Met Office, UK)

4) Radovan Krejci (Stockholm University, Sweden)

5) Jim McQuaid (University of Leeds, UK)

6) Adam Vaughan (University of York, UK)

7) Stephan Bauguitte (FAAM, UK)

8) Piero Di Carlo (University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)

9) Eleonora Aruffo (University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)

10) Alan Woolley (FAAM, UK)

11) Steve Devereau (FAAM, UK)

12) Mo Smith (FAAM, UK)

13) Jamie Trembath (FAAM, UK)

14) Alex Wellpott (FAAM, UK)

15) Olivier Henry (Météo-France, France

Scientific group leaders:

  • Piero Di Carlo (University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)
  • Jim McQuaid (University of Leeds, UK)
  • Radovan Krejci (Stockholm University, Sweden)
  • Stephan Bauguitte (NERC, UK)
  • James Lee
  • Eleonora Aruffo (University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)


The training course will begin with a self-introduction of students, followed by lectures (theory and case studies), tutorials, demonstration and training flight sampling strategies and data analysis. Participants, with the assistance of Scientific Working Group leaders, will be able to develop their own sampling strategies and flight plans for acquiring data during the STANCO flight campaign, flying over London area. If the weather conditions allow, scientific flights will be performed preferably in the morning of the 3rd of July 2017, morning and afternoon of 4th July 2017. Archived and acquired data will be processed and analysed with the help of experienced tutors.

On the last day of the training course, the Scientific Working Groups will present their experiment and preliminary results based on data acquired during the training course.

The programme is available here.

The programme may be subject to small changes.


EUFAR welcome and introduction (P. Di Carlo)

EUFAR Education and Training (I. Reusen & J. McQuaid)

Atmospheric chemistry - Key topics (A. Archibald)

Understanding the atmosphere using aircraft observations (A. Archibald)

New emerging instruments and techniques for airborne measurements of the atmospheric composition (A. R. Vaughan)

Airborne measurements of VOC : WAS and online techniques (J. McQuaid)

Aerosol chemistry, mixing state, SOA: Basics (R. Krejci)

Airborne atmospheric aerosol measurements by research aircraft (R. Krejci)

Aircraft custom Instruments: TD-LIF (E. Aruffo)

BAe 146 - Campaigns and a few highlights so far... (J. McQuaid)

Mission objectives and flight planning (P. Brown)

FAAM - Europe’s Largest Airborne Laboratory (A. Woolley)

Instrument Certification (A. Devereau)

BAe-146 - Safety rules (M. Smith)

BAe-146 - Data access and use (A. Wellpott)

EGADS - EUFAR General Airborne Data-processing Software (O. Henry)

New frontiers on airborne observations: from big aircrafts to drones (P. Di Carlo)

Introduction to aircraft data analysis (M. Cain)

Scientific Working Group reports:

Click here, to download the scientific group report template.

Working Group Scientific Reports will be made available here after the training course (accessible to registered EUFAR members).


The training course will take place at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Cambridge in the Wolfson Lecture Theatre

Address: Lensfield Rd, Cambridge, UK

Travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses:

Selected early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State:

Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (this includes travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation, meals, etc.). Rooms will be booked at the Sidney-Sussex College of the University of Cambridge and be covered fully by EUFAR.

All travel tickets will be booked and paid directly by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.

Flight/ train tickets must be booked, if reasonably possible, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.

Selected early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in non-EU or non-EU Associated State institutions:

These participants will have to finance their own travel. Rooms may be booked by EUFAR at the Sidney-Sussex College on request but will be at the participant's own expense.

7th EUFAR training course "Exploring Air-Sea Interaction via Airborne Measurements (EASI)"


Financed by EUFAR and jointly organised together with CNR-ISAC and VITO, EASI took place from 25 June to 4 July 2017 in Shannon, Ireland. 

Flyer available here.
More information available here.

Working Group Scientific Reports available here (accessible to registered EUFAR members).


Photo Gallery: EUFAR EASI Training Course, June-July 2017

EUFAR EASI Training Course


The 7th EUFAR Training Course, financed by EUFAR and jointly organised together with CNR-ISAC and VITO, will take place from 25 June to 4 July 2017 in Shannon, Ireland.  Entitled, "Exploring Air-Sea Interaction via Airborne Measurements (EASI)", the training course will take place at the Shannon airport. A visit to the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station is planned.

Click here, to access the training course flyer.

Click here to download the photobook of all EASI students.

Click here to download the photobook of all EASI trainers and organisers.

Click here to download the EASI travel and information guide.

Photo Gallery: EUFAR EASI Training Course, June-July 2017


The primary goal of the EASI training course is to teach and train students (PhD and Post- graduate level) and young sci­entists on the use of a research aircraft, and on the experimen­tal possibilities it opens for atmospheric physics and chemis­try research. This implies providing them with an overview of airborne and remote sensing experimental techniques, and of specific features of collecting and analysing airborne measure­ments. In addition, EASI aims to transfer consolidated knowl­edge on and recent advancements in specific topics related to air-sea interaction, and near coastal boundary layer structure and dynamics.

Specifically, flight experiments performed with the French SA­FIRE aircraft ATR42, and lectures during the training course will address the problem of air-sea interaction, focusing on turbu­lence fluctuations in the near-costal boundary layer, clouds microphysics, atmospheric composition, marine aerosols and the impacts on climate, momentum and heat exchanges at the air/sea interface. Lectures will be alternated with working group sessions on instrument calibration, safety issues and data analysis. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station.

To achieve the scientific aims of the course, the airborne cam­paign will include data collection of physical quantities relat­ed to turbulent fluctuations, radiative properties and micro­physical properties in the near-coastal boundary layer and in marine clouds.

Data acquired during the training course or archived data will be processed and analysed with the support of ex­perienced users of airborne facilities and form the basis for the final scientific report. Archived data will also be made available.

Target audience:

The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and a limited number of university lecturers. For the early-stage researchers, a strong scientific knowledge-base (in physics, chemistry, bio-engineering or civil engineering) is required to participate in this training course.


Early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State are eligible to apply to join the EUFAR training course and are also eligible for T&S support through EUFAR.

Early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in non-EU or non-EU Associated State institutions may apply to join the EUFAR training course but if accepted will have to finance their own travel and accommodation.

All trainees should confirm that they have travel and field work insurance provided by their home institute before attending the course.


The participants of the EASI training course will be selected by EASI’s Evaluation Committee based on CV/scientific background, interest, expectations and contribution to the training course.

Scientific Committee:

  • A. S. Lanotte (CNR ISAC & INFN, IT)
  • F. Cairo (CNR ISAC, IT)
  • I. Reusen (EUFAR ET coordin., VITO, BE)

Organising Committee:

  • A. S. Lanotte (CNR ISAC, IT)
  • F. Cairo (CNR ISAC, IT)
  • M. Miglietta (CNR ISAC, IT)
  • L. Diarra (Météo-France/ EUFAR Office, FR)
  • B. Piguet (Météo-France, FR)
  • A. Bourdon (SAFIRE, FR)
  • S. Malinowski (Univ. of Warsaw, PL)
  • I. Faloona (Univ. California Davis, USA)
  • D. Ceburnis (NUI Galway, IR)
  • J. Ovadnevaite (NUI Galway, IR)

Keynote speakers:

  • A. Bourdon (SAFIRE, FR)
  • F. Cairo (CNR ISAC, IT)
  • I. Faloona (Univ. California Davis, USA)
  • S. Malinowski (Univ. of Warsaw, PL)
  • M. Miglietta (CNR ISAC, IT)
  • B. Piguet (Météo-France, FR)
  • D. Ceburnis (NUI Galway, IR)
  • O. Henry (Météo-France, FR)

Scientific group leaders:

  • F. Cairo (CNR ISAC, IT)
  • I. Faloona (Univ. California Davis, USA)
  • S. Malinowski (Univ. of Warsaw, PL)
  • D. Ceburnis (NUI Galway, IR)


The training course will begin with a self-introduction of students, followed by lectures (theory and case studies), tutorials, demonstration and training flight sampling strategies and data analysis. Participants - with the assistance of Scientific Working Group leaders- will be able to develop their own sampling strategies and flight plans for acquiring data during EASI flight campaign, flying in the near coastal environment close to Shannon region. If the weather conditions allow, scientific flights will be performed preferably in the flight window 28 June – 1 July 2017. In parallel with the flight campaign, ground measurements will be performed by the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station staff. Archived and acquired data will be processed and analysed with the help of experienced tutors.

On the last day of the training course, the Scientific Working Groups will present their experiment and preliminary results based on data acquired during the training course.

A programme is available here.

The programme maybe subject to small changes.


EUFAR Welcome and introduction (F. Cairo)

An introduction to atmospheric turbulence (S. Malinowski)

The structure of marine & coastal atmospheric boundary layers (I. Faloona)

Airborne measurements of aerosols and clouds - 1 (F. Cairo)

Airborne measurements of aerosols and clouds - 2 (F. Cairo)

Airborne measurements of aerosols and clouds - 3 (F. Cairo)

Airborne measurements of aerosols and clouds - Exercises (F. Cairo)

Aircraft modifications and possible measurements on board the ATR42 (SAFIRE Staff)

Real Time Data display onboard, quick-looks (SAFIRE Staff)

Flight operations, aircraft limitations and flight procedures (SAFIRE Staff)

EGADS tool for data analysis and visualization (O. Henry)

Processing core parameters of the ATR42 (B. Piguet)

Flux estimation, scalar budgeting techniques, and atmospheric chemistry (I. Faloona)

How to manage quick looks and high-frequency data (B. Piguet)

Estimation of turbulence properties from airborne measurements (S. Malinowski)

Flux estimations (I. Faloona)

Coastal meteorology (M. M. Miglietta)

Sea Breeze (M. M. Miglietta)

Coastal Patterns (M. M. Miglietta)

Scientific Working Group reports:

Click here, to download the scientific group report template.

Working Group Scientific Reports will be made available here after the training course (accessible to registered EUFAR members).


The training course will take place at the  Oak Wood Hotel‎, with a visit to the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station.

Address: The Oak Wood Hotel‎, Airport Road, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland,

Travel and subsistence expenses:

Selected early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State:

Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (this includes travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation, meals, etc.). Rooms will be booked and fully covered by EUFAR at the Oak Wood Hotel.

All travel tickets will be booked and paid directly by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.

Flight/ train tickets must be booked, if reasonably possible, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.

Selected early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and university lecturers working in non-EU or non-EU Associated State institutions:

These participants will have to finance their own travel. Rooms may be booked by EUFAR at the Oakwood Hotel on request but will be at the participant's own expense.

6th EUFAR Training Course "Spectrometry of a Wetland And Modelling of Photosynthesis with Hyperspectral Airborne Reflectance and Fluorescence" (SWAMP)


This training course has been organised by the Poznan University of Life Sciences from 6 to 16 July 2015 in Obrzycko-Rzecin, Poland.

Flyer available here. Poster available here.
More information available here.
Working Group Scientific Reports available here (accessible to registered EUFAR members).
Deadline for submission of Working Group Scientific Reports to is 15/01/2016.

Photo Gallery: EUFAR/OPTIMISE SWAMP Training Course, July 2015

Education & Training - SWAMP Training Course


The 6th EUFAR Training Course, jointly financed and organised together with the COST Action OPTIMISE and ESA took place from 6 to 16 July 2015. Entitled, "Spectrometry of a Wetland And Modelling of Photosynthesis with Hyperspectral Airborne Reflectance and Fluorescence (SWAMP)", the training course was hosted by the Poznan University of Life Sciences in Obrzycko-Rzecin near the instrumented POLWET wetland study site, Poland.

This training course aims to educate and train the participants how to plan and conduct an airborne research and (near-)ground validation campaign and how to use the collected data. If the conditions allow, the training course will include an airborne campaign with the APEX imaging spectroradiometer mounted in the DLR Dornier 228 aircraft combined with a concurrent ground campaign and near-ground campaign with small UAV platforms and satellite data acquisitions at the instrumented POLWET wetland study site. All these platforms and sensors will be used to determine Earth surface reflectance and fluorescence which play a role in supporting satellite mission design and use (e.g. FLEX) and which to support multi-scale (“leaf to ecosystem”) land-atmosphere exchange modelling studies.

20 early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs), including university lecturers from 12 different European member states and associated states (selected from 47 applications), funded by EUFAR and OPTIMISE, participated in the SWAMP training course.
The main aim of the SWAMP training course was to teach early-stage researchers and university lecturers how to plan and conduct an airborne research and (near-) ground validation campaign and how to use the collected data.

The 11-day training course included:
- lectures on field measurements, UAV measurements, airborne measurements with APEX, Sentinel-2 and FLEX satellite missions, data processing and modelling, …
- demonstration of field equipment and UAVs,
- tutorials on APEX processing, ARTMO, SPECCHIO, SCOPE, pktools, …,
- field measurements, UAV and airborne (HYPLANT in CzechGlobe aircraft on 11th July - funded by ESA and APEX in DLR DO228 on 15th July - funded by EUFAR) data acquisition
- student activities in 5 scientific working groups guided by 5 scientific working group supervisors
- scientific working group presentations.


This training course aims to educate and train the participants how to plan and conduct an airborne research and (near-)ground validation campaign and how to use the collected data. If the conditions allow, the training course will include an airborne campaign with the APEX imaging spectroradiometer mounted in the DLR Dornier 228 aircraft combined with a concurrent ground campaign and near-ground campaign with small UAV platforms and satellite data acquisitions at the instrumented POLWET wetland study site. All these platforms and sensors will be used to determine Earth surface reflectance and fluorescence which play a role in supporting satellite mission design and use (e.g. FLEX) and which to support multi-scale (“leaf to ecosystem”) land-atmosphere exchange modelling studies.

Target audience:

The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and a limited number of university lecturers working in an institution established in a European Member State or Associated State. For the early-stage researchers, a strong scientific knowledge-base (in physics, geography, geology, biology, chemistry, bio-engineering or civil engineering) and some experience in the use of geo-information software is required to participate in this training course.

The participants of the SWAMP training course will be selected by the EUFAR and OPTIMISE Education and Training Committee based on CV/scientific background, interest, expectations and contribution to the training course and campaign.

All trainees should confirm that they have travel and field work insurance provided by their home institute before attending the course.

Keynote speakers:

  • Andy Hueni (RSL, UZH, Switzerland)
  • Alasdair Mac Arthur (School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Enrico Tomelleri (Institute for Applied Remote Sensing, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy)
  • Andreas Burkart (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
  • Tommaso Julitta (UniMiB, Italy)
  • Ils Reusen (VITO, Belgium)
  • Karolina Sakowska (FEM, Italy/ PULS, Poland)
  • Alex Damm (RSL, UZH, Switzerland)
  • Christiaan van der Tol (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Pieter Kempeneers (VITO, Belgium)
  • Bart Bomans (VITO, Belgium)
  • Bringfried Pflug (DLR, Germany)
  • Marian-Daniel Iordache (VITO, Belgium)
  • Tomasz Prost (Polish Civil Aviation Office, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Radoslaw Juszczak (Meteorology Department, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
  • Janusz Olejnik (Meteorology Department, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
  • Bogdan Chojnicki (Meteorology Department, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
  • Marcin Srozecki(Meteorology Department, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
  • Klaudia Ziemblinska;ska(Meteorology Department, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
  • Dirk Schuettemeyer (ESA)
  • Jochem Verrelst (University of Valencia, Spain)
  • Helge Aasen (University of Cologne, Germany)

Scientific group leaders:

  • WG 1 Andreas Hueni (RSL, UZH, Switzerland)
  • WG 2 Andreas Burkart (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
  • WG 3 Tommaso Julitta (UniMiB, Italy)
  • WG 4 Enrico Tomelleri (EURAC, Italy)
  • WG 5 Christiaan van der Tol (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)


From July 6-16 2015, self introduction of students, lectures (theory and case studies), tutorials, demonstration and training in ground equipment and UAVs, and -if the aircraft flight planning allows - a visit to the Dornier DO228 and APEX imaging spectroradiometer are planned. Participants with the assistance of Scientific Working Group leaders and the APEX flight campaign manager and operator will be able to develop their own (near-)ground sampling strategies and APEX flight plans for acquiring data of the POLWET wetland study site. If the weather conditions allow, scientific flights over the POLWET study site will be performed preferably in the flight window 12-14 July 2015. In parallel with the flight campaign, (near-)ground measurements will be performed by the Scientific Working Groups at the POLWET site. Archived and acquired data will be processed and analysed with the help of experienced tutors.

On 16 July 2015, the Scientific Working Groups will present their experiment and preliminary results based on data acquired during the training course or archived data.

A final programme is available here.

The programme is subject to changes caused by weather conditions.


  • Lecture 1: Principles of Field Spectroscopy, and design & calibration of spectrometers for reflectance and fluorescence measurements
  • Lecture 2: Field Spectroscopy measurement uncertainties and sampling strategies
  • Lecture 3: Airborne hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy - APEX - instrument and its calibration
  • Lecture 4: APEX Flight Campaign Planning (scientific and operational)
  • Lecture 5: Introduction to UAVs for spectroscopy and remote sensing
  • Lecture 6: Regulatory framework of civil use of UVS/ RPAS in Poland and the EU
  • Lecture 7: From Radiance to Photosynthesis
  • Lecture 8: Theory of Reflectance and Fluorescence, and Approaches to Fluorescence Retrieval from Spectroscopic Measurements
  • Lecture 9: Retrieval of vegetation properties in the flux tower footprint from airborne and ground spectral measurements
  • Lecture 10a: Introduction to ground measurements of biophysical parameters, chamber and eddy covariance methods for GHG fluxes measurements
  • Lecture 10b: Chamber measurements of GHG fluxes
  • Lecture 11: Integration of reflectance and fluxes
  • Lecture 12: Aspects of Radiative Transfer
  • Lecture 13: ESA Earth Observations & Campaigns
  • Lecture 14: Atmosperic correction validation for Landsat and forthcoming Sentinel-2 data
  • Lecture 15: SPECCHIO
  • Lecture 16: Introduction to ecological modelling
  • Lecture 17: VITO Central Data Processing

Scientific Group Presentations

Other Presentations

EUFAR: Education and Training Opportunities


Scientific Working Group reports:

Working Group Scientific Reports available here (accessible to registered EUFAR members).


The training course will take place at the Obrzycko Palace complex. Surrounded by an impressive 22 ha historical park (dating back from 1862), the Palace offers accommodation and conference facilities. The Obrzycko Palace is located 25 km from the POLWET experimental site and 50 km from the Poznan Lawica airport.

Address: Palace Obrzycko 64-520 Obrzycko, Zamek 1 Tel. +48 (61) 2913280

Travel and subsistence expenses:

  • EUFAR funded participants

Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (this includes travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation, meals, etc.). Hotel rooms in Palace Obrzycko will be booked and paid directly by the EUFAR Office.

All travel tickets will be booked and paid directly by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.

Flight/ train tickets must be booked, if reasonably possible, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.

  • OPTIMISE funded participants

It is mandatory for the OPTIMISE funded participants to stay in the hotel arranged for this training course (Palace Obrzycko) and take all meals either at the arranged hotel or as arranged by the training course organisers.

For OPTIMISE funded participants, hotel rooms in Palace Obrzycko will be reserved by the Host of the training course, that is the Poznan University of Life Sciences .

OPTIMISE funded students will also be responsible for paying their flight and hotel room, and will be reimbursed (with a maximum amount of 1000 euros) after the training course.


5th EUFAR FP7-EUROSPEC Training Course On "Regional Experiments For Land-Atmosphere EXchanges (REFLEX)"


This training course was organised by the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente (UT-ITC) from 18 to 28 July 2012, in Albacete, Spain.

Flyer available here.
More information is available here.
Working Group Scientific Report template is available here.
Deadline for submission of Working Group Scientific Reports to is 15/12/2012.

Photo Gallery: EUFAR REFLEX Training Course, July 2012



Education&Training - REFLEX Training Course

(Registrations closed on April 30th 2012 - 6.00pm)

The 5th EUFAR FP7-EUROSPEC Training Course On "Regional Experiments For Land-atmosphere EXchanges" (REFLEX), organized by the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente (UT-ITC) was held at the Instituto Tecnico Agronomico Provincial (ITAP) from 18 to 28 July 2012 in Albacete, Spain.

How To Register:

  1. To register for this training course, you first need to subscribe as a member of EUFAR.
  2. When your membership application has been accepted you will be able to logon to Back Office.
  3. Click on "Education & Training" on the Back Office menu (yellow panel on left) and then on the green button "Register for a training course ET-TC".


This training course aims to educate and train early-stage researchers and a limited number of university lecturers in airborne hyperspectral imaging and field measurements supporting their research in the framework of multi-scale (“leaf to ecosystem”) land-atmosphere exchanges. 
If the conditions allow, two 1,5 hours flights with the INTA C-212-200 RS airplane instrumented with two hyperspectral imaging sensors , an AHS and a CASI 1500i, will be performed during the course. 
Participants with the assistance of Scientific Working Group leaders will be able to design their own flight experiments, participate in the surveys, process and analyze the obtained or archived data. A visit to the instrumented aircraft will be organized as well during the course.

Target audience:

The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) but a limited number of university lecturers (max.5) will also be accepted. For the early-stage researchers, a strong scientific knowledge base (in physics, geography, geology, biology, chemistry, bio-engineering or civil engineering) and some experience in the use of computer geo-information software is required to attend this training course.
The participants of the REFLEX training course will be selected by the EUFAR Office, the EUFAR Education&Training coordinator, the EUROSPEC coordinator and the host based on CV/scientific background, interest, expectation and contribution to the training course and flight experiment.

Keynote speakers:

  • Bob Su (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Eyal Ben-Dor (Department of Geography, Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  • Alasdair Mac Arthur (School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Thuy Le Thoan (CESBIO, CNRS-CNES-Université Paul Sabatier, France)
  • José-Antonio Gomez-Sanchez (INTA, Spain)
  • José Moreno (Department of Earth Physics and Thermodynamics, University of Valencia, Spain)
  • José Sobrino (Department of Earth Physics and Thermodynamics, University of Valencia, Spain)
  • Uwe Rascher (Research Center Jülich, Institute of Phytosphere Research, Germany)
  • Wout Verhoef (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Joris Timmerman (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Christiaan van der Tol (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Scientific Working Group Leaders:

  • Wim Timmermans (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Christiaan van der Tol (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)


From July 18th-24th 2012, lectures (theory and case studies), self introduction of students, hands-on-practice, workshops, excursion to Barrax, demonstrations of field equipment and visit to the INTA C-212-200 RS aircraft are planned.

Final programme available here. 

During the workshops, each of the two Scientific Working Groups will have the opportunity to design a flight plan for a 1,5-hour scientific flight with the assistance of the Scientific Working Group leaders and the INTA crew.
If the conditions allow, scientific flights over Barrax will be performed in the flight window July 24th-27th. Coincident with the flight, field measurements will be performed by the Scientific Working Groups at Barrax experimental site.
Field data will be uploaded on the day of data acquisition. Airborne data (quicklooks and level 1b) will be uploaded less than half a day after data acquisition for data inspection during the training course.
On Saturday 28th, the two Scientific Working Groups will present their experiment and preliminary results based on data acquired during the training course or archived data.


  • Presentations of the REFLEX training course can be accessed after registration as EUFAR member at EUFAR activities > Education & Training > Working Group > Documents.

Students Scientific reports

Travel and subsistence expenses:

  • EUFAR:
    Travel and subsistence expenses of EUFAR will be 100% supported by EUFAR (travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation, meals, etc).
    Hotel rooms will be booked directly by the EUFAR Office:
    C/San Antonio, 39
    02001 Albacete, Spain
    All travel tickets will be booked by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.
    Aircraft tickets must be booked, if practical, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.
    EUROSPEC funded students pay their flight and hotel room and will receive a grant (with a maximum of 1000 euros) after the training course.
Organizing Committee
BURKART Andreas Forschungszentrum Jülich GERMANY
CILIA Chiara University Milano Bicocca ITALY
CONTRERAS Sergio Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) SPAIN
CORBARI Chiara Politecnico di Milano ITALY
FERNANDEZ CALLEJA Javier Unviersity of Oviedo SPAIN
GUZINSKI Radoslaw Unviersity of Copenhagen DENMARK
HELLMANN Christine Unviersity of Bielefeld GERMANY
HERRMANN Ittai Ben-Gurion University ISRAEL
LAZAR Adina-Laura Babes-Bolai University ROMANIA
LEUTNER Benjamin University of Würzburg, University of Bayreuth GERMANY
MENDIGUREN Gorka Spanish National Research Council SPAIN
NASILOWSKA Sylwia University of Warsaw POLAND
NIETO SOLANA Hector Unviersity of Copenhagen DENMARK
PACHECO LABRADOR Javier Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) SPAIN
PUNALEKAR Suvarna University of Reading UNITED KINGDOM
SCHICKLING Anke Forschungszentrum Jülich GERMANY
SIEGMANN Bastian University of Osnabrueck GERMANY
VON BUEREN Stefanie Massey Unviersity Manawatu NEW ZEALAND

4th EUFAR FP7 Training Course "School ON Aircraft Techniques for the studies of Atmospheric chemistry (SONATA)"


This training course was organised by the CETEMPS-University L'Aquila from 17 to 28 August 2011 in Pescara, Italy.

Flyer available here.
More information is available here.
Working Group Scientific Report template is available here.
Deadline for submission of Working Group Scientific Reports to is 15/12/2011.

Photo Gallery: EUFAR SONATA Training Course, Aug 2011

Education&Training - SONATA Training Course

(Registrations closed on May, 20th 2011 - 6.00pm)

The 4th EUFAR FP7 Training Course "School ON Aircraft Techniques for the studies of Atmospheric chemistry" (SONATA), organised by CETEMPS-University L'Aquila has been held from 17 to 28 August 2011 in Pescara, Italy.



The aim of the school was to train early-stage researchers and university lecturers in airborne research focused on atmospheric composition and chemistry. The course has provided an overview on atmospheric chemistry with emphasis on airborne observations, as well as training on airborne instrumentation, measurement, data analysis and interpretation. The aircraft operator (FAAM) has also informed the students about issues specific to airborne measurements, such as safety rules, flight plan design and constraints, instrument calibration and operation. Each researcher who intended to participate have applied online at the EUFAR website. Subject to operational constraints, participants had the opportunity to participate in a research flight on the FAAM instrumented BAe-146 aircraft. Data will then be processed and analyzed with the support of experienced users of airborne facilities and form the basis for the final report.


Target audience:

The target audience were:

  • early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) with a focus on airborne measurements for atmospheric composition and chemistry
  • limited number of university lecturers (max.5)

The participants of the SONATA training course has been selected by the EUFAR Office, the EUFAR Education&Training coordinator and the host based on CV/scientific background, interest, expectation and contribution to the training course and flight experiment.


Keynote speakers:

  • Stéphane Bauguitte (FAAM, UK)
  • Rod Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Phil Brown (MetOffice, UK) - to be confirmed
  • Jim McQuaid (University of Leeds, UK)
  • Mat Evans (University of Leeds, UK)
  • Piero Di Carlo (University of L'Aquila, Italy)
  • Stephen Devereau (FAAM, UK)
  • James Allan (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Yoshizumi Kajii (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
  • Mo Smith (FAAM, UK)
  • Radovan Krejci (University of Stockholm, Stockholm)


Programme available here.




Students Scientific reports


Travel and subsistence expenses:

Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation, meals, etc).

  • Hotel bedrooms have already been pre-booked in at
    Piazza Duca D'Aosta 4
    65121 - Pescara, Italy
  • and meeting rooms at
    Piazza Sacro Cuore 55
    65122 - Pescara, Italy
  • All travel tickets will be booked by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.

Aircraft tickets must be booked, if practical, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.

Organizing Committee
DI CARLO Piero CETEMPS - University of L'Aquila ITALY
MCQUAID Jim University of Leeds UNITED KINGDOM
ARUFFO Eleonor CETEMPS - University of L'Aquila ITALY
BEDDOWS David University of Birmingham UNITED KINGDOM
BIANCOFIORE Fabio CETEMPS - University of L'Aquila ITALY
BOSSIOLI Elissavet National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GREECE
BOTTYAN Zsolt Zrinyi Miklos National Defence University HUNGARY
HUENEKE Tilman University of Heidelberg GERMANY
KUZMANOSKI Maja Institute of Physics Belgrade SERBIA
LAITI Lavinia University of Trento ITALY
MACINTYRE Helen University of Leeds UNITED KINGDOM
PROTONOTARIOU Anna National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GREECE
SIUDEK Patrycja Institute of Oceanography Gdansk University POLAND
TITOS VELA Gloria University of Granada SPAIN
TSURUMARU Hiroshi Tokyo Metropolitan University JAPAN
WOODHOUSE Matthew University of Leeds UNITED KINGDOM
ZIKOVA Nadezda Charles University CZECH REPUBLIC

3rd EUFAR FP7 Training Course On "Quality of Airborne Data" (QAD)

This training course was organised by the Stockholm University from 26 October to 5 November 2010 in Toulouse, France. 
Flyer available  here.
More information is available here.
Working Group Scientific Report template is available here.
Deadline for submission of Working Group Scientific Reports to is 15/10/2010.

Education&Training - QAD Training Course

(Registrations will close on the September, 14th 2010 - 6.00pm)

The 3rd FP7 EUFAR Training Course "Quality of Airborne Data" (QAD), organised by the Stockholm University will be held from 26 October to 5 November 2010 in Toulouse, France.



This training course primarily aims to educate and train PhD students, post-docs and university lecturers and professionals working for operators of airborne research aircraft. The main topic of the training course is to provide training on design, methodology and data analysis of inter-comparison measurements among research aircraft. The course will include as lectures as well as data analysis of inter-comparison data obtained during ICARE 2010 inter-comparison flights. Flights will be performed by a number of EUFAR and eventually other aicraft present during ICARE 2010. The aicraft are equipped for all scientific purposes of the training course. Participants will learn how to design their own flight experiments within the "working" airspace available and visit the instrumented aircraft during the training course. If possible, participants will be taken on-board during the inter-comparison flights.


Target audience:

The target audience are:

  • early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs)with a focus on airborne measurements
  • professionals working for operators of airborne research airplanes
  • limited number of university lecturers (max.5)

The participants of the QAD training course will be selected based on a short scientific proposal about the measurements to be performed and related research questions.


Keynote speakers:

  • Jean-Louis Brenguier (Météo-France, France)
  • Hans Schlager (DLR, Germany)
  • Andreas Minikin (DLR, Germany)
  • Radovan Krejci (Stockholm University, Sweden)
  • Manfred Wendisch(University of Leipzig, Germany)
  • Jim McQuaid (University of Leeds, UK)


First two days will include mainly lectures about airborne measurements of meteorological parameters, trace gases, aerosols and clouds.
Each of the participants working groups will have the opportunity to participate on design a flight plan for an inter-comparison based on given information about the logistics, airplane performance and instrumentation and air space availability. 
Inter-comparison flights will take place on 29 and 30 October 2010 and participants on the course will take active part directly at the airport. If conditions allow, they will also participate on board of some of the research aircrafts.
On 31st October there will be ICARE Public exhibition day.
On 1st November visit to Pico du Midi observatory is planned.
From 2nd to 4th November main focus of the course will be hands on experience on data evaluation of inter-comparison data obtained during ICARE flights.


Students Scientific reports


Travel and subsistence expenses:

Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation Météo-France residence rooms, meals, etc).

  • Hotel rooms will be booked directly by the EUFAR Office in Météo-France residence
    • Address:
    42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis 31057 Toulouse
  • All travel tickets will be booked by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.

Aircraft tickets must be booked, if practical, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.

Organizing Committee
KREJCI Radovan Stockholm University SWEDEN
BENNOUNA Yasmine University of Valladolid SPAIN
BROOKE Jennifer University of Leeds UNITED KINGDOM
ERNSDORF Thomas University of Trier GERMANY
GOMEZ-AMO José Luis University of Valencia SPAIN
GRANADOS-MUNOZ Maria José Centro Andaluz de Medio Ambiente SPAIN
KOPEC Marta University of Warsaw POLAND
KULKARNI Pavan Geophysics Centre of Evora (CGE) PORTUGAL
PARRINGTON Mark University of Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM
ROLF Christian Forschungszentrum Jülich GERMANY
VAANANEN Riikka University of Helsinki FINLAND
WOJTANOWSKI Jacek Institute of Optoelectronics POLAND

2nd EUFAR FP7 Training Course On "Training & Education for Turbulence Research via Airborne Data (TETRAD)

This training course was organised by the CNR ISAC Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate from 10 to 18 September 2010 in Hyères, France. 
Flyer available here.
More information is available here.
Working Group Scientific Report template is available here.
Deadline for submission of Working Group Scientific Reports to is 15/12/2010.



Education&Training - TETRAD Training Course

(Registrations closed on June 20th 2010 - 6.00pm)

The 2nd FP7 EUFAR Training Course "Training & Education for Turbulence Research via Airborne Data" (TETRAD), organised by the CNR ISAC Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate will be held from 10 to 18 September 2010 in Hyères, France.



This training course primarily aims to teach and train PhD students and post-docs on the use of a research aircraft, and on the possibilities it opens from an experimental point of view. The second goal is to provide a thorough overview of airborne measurement techniques, specific issues of the airborne measurements and data analysis addressing the scientific problem of Cloud/Turbulence interaction. Four 2-hour flights with the SAFIRE ATR42 aircraft equipped for all the scientific purposes of the training course (turbulence, microphysics) will be part of the course. Participants will be able to design their own flight experiments and visit the instrumented aircraft. All 20 participants have the opportunity to perform a research flight on the SAFIRE instrumented ATR42 aircraft.


Target audience:

The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs)with a background in fluid dynamics and thermodynamics. The participants of the TETRAD training course will be selected from the participants of the preceding summer school "Fluctuations and Turbulence in the Microphysics and Dynamic of Clouds" ( based on a short scientific proposal (max. 15 lines) about measurements to be performed and related research questions as part of the TETRAD on-line application.


Keynote speakers:

  • Jean-Louis Brenguier (Météo-France, CNRM, Toulouse, France)
  • Francesco Cairo (CNR ISAC, Rome, Italy)
  • Szymon Malinowski (Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Bruno Piguet (Météo-France, CNRM, Toulouse, France)
  • Marie Lothon (CNRS, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, France)


During the workshops, each of the four working groups has the opportunity to design a flight plan for a 1,5-2 hour scientific flight (from take-off to landing) with the help of the SAFIRE ATR42 crew. (Draft timetable)

Between September 13th and September 15th, each working group will be able to perform their airborne experiment.

From September 14th to 16th, the acquired data will be analyzed with the support of experienced users of airborne facilities and the SAFIRE ATR42 crew.

On September 17th, the four working groups will present their airborne experiments and results.


Students Scientific reports




Travel and subsistence expenses:

Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation in double rooms, meals, etc).

  • Hotel rooms will be booked directly by the EUFAR Office in the Hotel Le Plein Sud
    • Address:
    2049 Bld de la Marine
    83400 HYERES
  • All travel tickets will be booked by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.

Aircraft tickets must be booked, if practical, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.

Organizing Committee
BEC Jérémie Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur FRANCE
AMPE Eva Vrije Universiteit Brussel BELGIUM
BEITZEL Tamara Scripps Institution of Oceanography USA
BOLBASOVA Lidia V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics RUSSIA
BORDAS Arpad Eotvos Lorand University HUNGARY
BOSCORNEA Andreea Faculty of Physics ROMANIA
CHANDRA Arunchandra McGill Institute CANADA
DIWAN Sourabh Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research INDIA
ERNSDORF Thomas University of Trier GERMANY
FIORI Elisabetta CIMA Research Foundation ITALY
GORSKA Anna University of Warsaw POLAND
JARUGA Anna University of Warsaw POLAND
KATZWINKEL Jeannine Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research GERMANY
LONITZ Katrin Max Planck Institute for Meteorology GERMANY
MALLAUN Christian University of Innsbruck AUSTRIA
MOMFERATOS Georgios National Technical University of Athens GREECE
RISIUS Steffen Max-Planck-Institute GERMANY
SAHOO Ganapati Indian Institute of Science INDIA
SOUAMI Damya Observatoire de Paris FRANCE
SZABO-TAKACS Beata Institute of Environmental Sciences HUNGARY

1st EUFAR FP7 Training Course On "ADvanced Digital Remote sensing in Ecology and earth Sciences Summer School (ADDRESSS)

This training course has been organised by the Balaton Limnological Research Institute (BLRI) from19 to 28 August 2010, in Tihany, Hungary. 
Flyer available here.
More information is available here.
Working Group Scientific Report template is available here.
Deadline for submission of Working Group Scientific Reports to is 15/12/2010. 

Education&Training - ADDRESSS Training Course

(Registrations closed 20th May 2010)

The 1st FP7 EUFAR Training Course“ADvanced Digital Remote sensing in Ecology and earth Sciences Summer School” (ADDRESSS) was held at the Balaton Limnological Research Institute (BLRI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 19 to 28 August 2010, Tihany, Hungary



This training course aims to educate and train early-stage researchers and university lecturers (in ecology and environmental geosciences) in the use of airborne LIDAR and hyperspectral imaging. Three 3-hour flights with the NERC-ARSF Do 228 equipped with a digital camera, hyperspectral imaging sensor and LIDAR will be part of the course. Participants will be able to design their own flight experiments and visit the instrumented aircraft. Some participants may have the opportunity to perform a research flight on the NERC-ARSF instrumented Do 228 aircraft.


Target audience:

The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) in ecology and environmental geosciences, but a limited number of university lecturers (max.5) will also be accepted. 
For the early-stage researchers, a strong scientific knowledge base (in physics, geography, geology, biology, chemistry, bio-engineering or civil engineering) and some experience in the use of computer geoinformation software is required to attend this training course.

As part of the application form, participants will be requested to write a short proposal for a three-hour research flight experiment within the planned bounding box.

Participants are requested to bring their own laptop.


Keynote speakers:

  • Gabor Timar (ELTE Dept. of Geophysics and Space Science, Head of Dept., Hungary)
  • Andrew Tyler (University of Stirling, UK)
  • Peter Hunter (University of Stirling, UK)
  • Szekely Balazs (Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, TU Wien, Austria)
  • Jens Oldeland (University of Hamburg, Germany)
  • Koen Meuleman (VITO, Belgium)
  • Christian Briese (Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, TU Wien, Austria)
  • Ils Reusen (VITO, Belgium)
  • Heiko Balzter (University of Leicester, Dept. of Geography, Head of Dept., UK)
  • NERC ARSF crew


From Thursday August 19th to Friday 27th lectures, hands-on practice, workshops, airborne and field measurements are planned (Draft timetable)

During the workshop, each of the three working groups has the opportunity to design a flight plan for a 3-hour scientific flight (from take-off to landing) with the help of the NERC ARSF crew.

On Saturday 28th the three working groups will present their experiment and preliminary results.




Students Scientific reports

The training course will be held from August 19th 2010 to August 28th 2010. Before the end of the training course, the participants will be requested to complete the training course evaluation form.

Scientific reports (to be submitted on-line) from participants are due on December 15th 2010 and will be published on the EUFAR website.


Travel and subsistence expenses:

Travel and subsistence expenses will be 100% supported by EUFAR (travel to summer school location, transfers, accommodation in double rooms, meals, etc).

  • Hotel rooms will be booked directly by the EUFAR Office in BLRI guest house with full boarding facilities
    • Address:
    BLRI Guest House
    Klebelsberg K.u.3
    H-8237 Tihany
  • All travel tickets will be booked by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.

Aircraft tickets must be booked, if practical, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.

Organizing Committee
ZLINSZKY Andras Balaton Limnological Research Institute (BLRI) HUNGARY
SOMODI Imelda Eotvos Lorand University HUNGARY
BURAI Peter Károly Róbert Collage HUNGARY
CASAL Gema University of Coruna SPAIN
CONNOLLY John University College Dublin IRELAND
EVANS Bradley Murdoch University AUSTRALIA
GIL Arthur University of the Azores PORTUGAL
KUSNIEREK Krzysztof Adam Mickiewicz University POLAND
MARCHESI Andrea Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca ITALY
NOCITA Marco Université Catholique de Louvain BELGIUM
PETROPOULOS George Agricultural University of Athens GREECE
RODRIGUEZ-GALIANA Victor University of Granada SPAIN
SANDRIC Ionut University of Bucharest ROMANIA
SPANHOVE Toon Research Institute for Nature and Forest BELGIUM
SURER Serdar Middle East Technical University TURKEY
TRAMONTANA Gianluca Università della Tuscia ITALY
VERHOEVEN Geert Ghent University BELGIUM
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