European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 03:26

Aircraft operator

Acronym ONERA
Country France
Contact DUFFAUT Joël

Main activities

Pelican is an airborne multispectral image sensor including up to eight cameras mounted on the same platform. Each camera, dedicated to one spectral band, is equipped with a 16 millions pixels CCD array, 12 bit per pixel. A forward motion compensation is remoted by the aircraft GPS in real time which allows to use narrow filters (up to 20nm) simultaneously with a very high spatial resolution (20cm). The Pelican configuration is versatile in term of lens, filters and band number as it could be adapted to the scientist user needs. The best final product is a georeferenced multispectral image expressed in at-sensor radiance.


Data processing

Analyse of the scientist user needs
Definition and implementation of the optical system configuration
Full radiometric calibration in laboratory
Airborne acquisition
Radiometric correction
Image registration



Gound infrastructure

Image sensor calibration laboratory
Handling airborne experiment
Meeting rooms

Additional services

Collaboration with other laboratories: IGN, CNES (France)

Aircraft contact N/A
Instruments contact DUFFAUT Joël
Calibration facilities contact DUFFAUT Joël
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