European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 23, 2025, 13:10
Name | CNR OceanOptics VIS/NIR spectrometer |
Acronym | OceanOptics |
Manufacturer | OceanOptics |
Operated by | CNR-IBIMET |
Operated onboard |
Name | Visible/Near Infra Red Spectrometer |
Acronym | VIS/NIR spectrometer |
Measured parameter | Radiance |
Operating principle | Grating spectroscopy with imaging detector arrays |
Measurement(s) | Radiation |
External dimension | |
Weight | 3.0 |
Operating mode | Remote sensing |
Range | |
Resolution | |
Sensitivity | |
Accuracy | |
Bandwidth | |
Modifications | |
Operational restriction | |
Operational requirements | |
Certification approvals | |
Additional information | coupled to optical switch (Piezosystem) for incoming radiation measurements. |
Access | aircraft equipment only |
Could also fit on any aircraft having the following characteristics | |
General description |
Title | Author | Type | Related |
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