European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 13:41

Instrument: TUBs Rosemount 858AJ28 / SN:19639

Name TUBs Rosemount 858AJ28 / SN:19639
Acronym Rosemount-858AJ28
Manufacturer Rosemount
Operated by TUBs
Operated onboard

Instrument type

Name Incident flow vector probe
Acronym Incident flow vector probe

Principle of operation

Measured parameter Airspeed; Incidence angle; Turbulence
Operating principle

5/9-hole probe or radome used to define aircraft-relative wind at high frequency. Pressure Measurement and pressure gauges are described above in "pressure" measurement type

Measurement(s) Wind & Fluxes

Dimension and weight

External dimension 25.4 mmm DIA 198 mm
Weight 0.56


Operating mode In situ






Operational restriction

Operational requirements

Certification approvals

Additional information

5-hole probe
* Anti-icing and deicing capability
* Connected pressure sensors:
- Static pressure: Setra B270 (450-1100hPa)
- Dynamic pressure: Setra D239 (0 - 50hPa)
- Angle of attack: Setra D239 (±50hPa)
- Angle of sideslip: Setra D239 (±50hPa)

Access, host and processing


Could also fit on any aircraft having the following characteristics

General description

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