European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 05:39

Expert Working Group

Name Calibration / Validation
Description Issues related to intercomparisons and calibration of the same sensor types are discussed in this EWG. Partly during summer schools, but also within dedicated airborne observations parallel flights of different aircraft are planned and conducted to quantify the measurement uncertainties of the same parameters inherent in different sensors, carried either by the same aircraft or using more than one aircraft.
Leader MALTHUS Tim

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Event date Title/Location Contact Creation
Last update
14/04/2011 FP7: EWG meeting 10 (14/04/2011)
Edinburgh (UK)
SCHLAEPFER Daniel 10/12/2010 00:00
29/08/2011 00:00
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