European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 24, 2025, 03:26

Expert Working Group

Description DENCHAR: Development and evaluation of new and improved hygrometers for airborne research.
To develop and characterise novel or improved compact airborne hygrometers for different airborne applications within EUFAR; including investigation of the sampling characteristics of different gas/ice inlets and development of an improved ultra fast thermometer for near- and in-cloud measurements.
Leader SMIT Herman

Apply to be registered as a EUFAR Expert

Event date Title/Location Contact Creation
Last update
21/11/2011 FP7: JRA1 meeting 05 (21-22/11/11)
Braunschweig (Germany)
SMIT Herman 13/10/2011 00:00
05/06/2013 00:00
21/02/2011 FP7: JRA1 meeting 04 (21-22/02/11)
Jülich (Germany)
SMIT Herman 10/01/2011 00:00
07/10/2011 00:00
27/10/2010 FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
Toulouse (France)
BRENGUIER Jean-louis 10/11/2010 00:00
06/09/2012 00:00
17/05/2010 FP7: JRA1 meeting 03 (17-18/05/10)
Szeged (Hungary)
SMIT Herman 18/03/2010 00:00
18/06/2010 00:00
14/09/2009 FP7: JRA1 meeting 02 (14/09/09)
Evora (Portugal)
SMIT Herman 23/09/2009 00:00
26/02/2010 00:00
18/05/2009 FP7: JRA1 meeting 01 (18-19/05/09)
Juelich (Germany)
SMIT Herman 04/03/2009 00:00
07/10/2009 00:00
Title Author Type Related
FP7 - Amendment no.2 Annex I Part B (.doc) EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - Amendment no.2 Annex I Part B (.pdf) EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - Amendment no.2 Description of Work DOW (.pdf) EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - Amendment no.2 Grant Agreement Preparation Forms GPF (.pdf) EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - Final Participant Portal Report BRENGUIER Jean-louis EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - Final Publishable Summary Report to the EC EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP1 deliverables EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
FP7 - RP1 report to the EC EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
FP7 - RP2 Core Report to the EC EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP2 Publishable Summary to the EC (covering RP1+RP2) doc version EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP2 Publishable Summary to the EC (covering RP1+RP2) pdf version GERARD Elisabeth EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP2 Report on Participant Portal BRENGUIER Jean-louis EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP3 Core Report to the EC EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP3 Participant Portal Report BRENGUIER Jean-louis EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP3 Publishable Summary to the EC EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP4 Core Report to the EC EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP4 Participant Portal Report BRENGUIER Jean-louis EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7 - RP4 Publishable Summary to the EC EC contracts and reports
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - General Assembly, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure, EUFAR FP7 - Steering committee
FP7-EUFAR Final GA meeting: JRA1 Presentation DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-GA meeting 02: JRA1 presentation DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-GA meeting 04: JRA1 presentation DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-GA meeting 05: JRA1 presentation DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01 agenda BEKHAT Sabrina Meeting agenda
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01 report DERONDE Bart Meeting report
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: Characterization of gas/ice inlet systems MATO LOPEZ Jose angel Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: DENCHAR DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: Development and Evaluation of SEALDH HELDENS Wieke Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: Evaluation of WVSS-II+X DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: Laboratory Testing of New & Improved Hygrometers DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: List of presentations DERONDE Bart Meeting report
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: MOZAIC-Humidity Device DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: Overview of FISH & AquaVit OLIVEIRA João maria Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: Photoacoustic spectroscopy & WaSul ZALDEI Alessandro Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: SAW-II Hygrometer CSECSERITS Aniko Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: Ultra Fast Temperature Measurements in Clouds Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 01: Workplan of DENCHAR DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 02 report DERONDE Bart Meeting report
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03 agenda BEKHAT Sabrina Meeting agenda
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03 report DERONDE Bart Meeting report
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: DENCHAR DERONDE Bart, HELDENS Wieke, MIHAI Laura, ZALDEI Alessandro Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: In-Flight Reference Hygrometer CALLENS Denis, MATO LOPEZ Jose angel, OLIVEIRA João maria, STROH Fred Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: Inlet Systems CALLENS Denis, MATO LOPEZ Jose angel, OLIVEIRA João maria, STROH Fred Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: Laboratory Calibration Facilities CALLENS Denis, MATO LOPEZ Jose angel, OLIVEIRA João maria, STROH Fred Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: SAW‐II Hygrometer - Considerations on Inlet Systems CSECSERITS Aniko Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: SAW‐II Hygrometer - Current and Future Systems CSECSERITS Aniko Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: Selective Extractive Airborne Laser Diode Hygrometer (SEALDH) HELDENS Wieke Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: Set-up for In-Flight Comparison Campaign Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: Task 1c - Dvpt of Prototype Compact WVSS-II+X Hygrometer DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: Task 2 - Laboratory Testing of Performance of the New Hygrometers DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: Ultra-Fast Thermometer Recent Improvements Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 03: Wasul Hygro BOLAT Kenan Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04 agenda BEKHAT Sabrina Meeting agenda
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04 report DERONDE Bart Meeting report
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: Calibration of Water Vapor Instruments OLIVEIRA João maria Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: DENCHAR-IFIC DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: DENCHAR-LICC DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: FISH&Co for DENCHAR BONSANG Bernard, CALLENS Denis, OLIVEIRA João maria, RITZMANN Anne, STROH Fred Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: GHG Observations within IAGOS CAWKWELL Fiona, WELLS Bob Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: IFCC FABLE (Licor) Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: In-Flight Intercomparison Campaign (IFIC) MATO LOPEZ Jose angel Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: Instrument CORAL (Lidar) CALLENS Denis Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: Measurements of Ice Nuclei Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: Particles Microphysics Probes AHMAD Irshad, COLOMBO Roberto, RIVERA CAICEDO Juan pablo, WEPPNER Josef Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: Recent EUFAR Activities - Wasul BOLAT Kenan, ZALDEI Alessandro Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: SAW-II EUFAR ESF Tests CSECSERITS Aniko Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: SEALDH HELDENS Wieke, JIN Hongxiao, SHAHID Muhammad zeeshaan Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: Set-up for In-Flight Intercomparison Campaign Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 04: The Backscatter Cloud Probe (BCP) TESTUD Jacques Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05 report DERONDE Bart Meeting report
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: BCP Data for DENCHAR TESTUD Jacques Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: Cloud Particle Measurements on the Learjet RIVERA CAICEDO Juan pablo Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: Comparison Different Hygrometers DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: CRDS Measurements During DENCHAR NANDAKUMAR SREELETHA Vishnu Nandan Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: EUMETNET-AMDAR Humidity Instrumentation BEEKHUIZEN Johan Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: FISH & Co at DENCHAR BONSANG Bernard, CALLENS Denis, OLIVEIRA João maria, RITZMANN Anne, STROH Fred Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: FRIDGE MPINGE Aloyce Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: In-Flight Comparison Campaign (IFCC) HELDENS Wieke, SHAHID Muhammad zeeshaan Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: Initial Results from Hohn Flight Campaign And Future Work CSECSERITS Aniko Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: Intercomparison of H2O -Measurements FABLE (LICOR 6262) And Frostpoint Hygrometer Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: Overview of Progress RP2 DENCHAR DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: Realisation of In-Flight Inter-Comparison Campaign Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: SFP Candidates Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: Ultra-Fast Thermometer ABEYSUNDARA A.a. jagath, TEISSIER Samuel, ZOU Xiaochen Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: WaSul‐II at DENCHAR/IFCC BOLAT Kenan Meeting presentation
FP7-JRA1 meeting 05: WVSS-II Comparison DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: JRA1 presentation DERONDE Bart Meeting presentation
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
  • Events: FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: JRA2 presentation KAYE Andrew Meeting presentation
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
  • Events: FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: JRA3 presentation VAUDOUR Emmanuelle Meeting presentation
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: N2TAC presentation PONTAUD Marc Meeting presentation
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: N3FF presentation OLIVEIRA João maria Meeting presentation
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
  • Events: FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: N4EWG presentation Meeting presentation
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
  • Events: FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: N5ET presentation KAYE Andrew Meeting presentation
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
  • Events: FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: N6SP presentation NIETO Hector, QURESHI Salman Meeting presentation
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
  • Events: FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: N7DB presentation CONSTANTINIDES Savvas Meeting presentation
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
  • Events: FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
FP7-Mid-Term Review meeting: N8EC presentation SAUVAGE Bastien Meeting presentation
  • Groups: EUFAR Office, EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR, EUFAR FP7 - JRA2: HYQUAPRO, EUFAR FP7 - JRA3: ALIDS, EUFAR FP7 - N1SAC: Scientific Advisory Committee, EUFAR FP7 - N2TAC: Transnational Access Coord., EUFAR FP7 - N3FF: Future of the Fleet, EUFAR FP7 - N4EWG: Expert Working Groups, EUFAR FP7 - N5ET: Education and Training, EUFAR FP7 - N6SP: Standards and Protocols, EUFAR FP7 - N7DB: Data Base, EUFAR FP7 - N8EC: E_Communication, EUFAR FP7 - N9SST: Sustainable STructure
  • Events: FP7: Mid-Term Review meeting
HYQUAPRO: Illustration of HYSOMA generated outputs KAYE Andrew Pictures
  • Groups: EUFAR FP7 - JRA1: DENCHAR
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