European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 05:30

Expert Working Group

Name Certification / Operations
Description Certification of instruments and obtaining permissions to fly them on research aircraft becomes more and more complicated. Also the operation of research aircraft in different airspaces belonging to different countries is getting of increasing importance in planning airborne observations. This EWG discusses related issues in order to benefit from mutual experiences in these fields.
Leader GRATTON Guy

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Event date Title/Location Contact Creation
Last update
23/09/2015 EUFAR2: Operations and Certification Working Group Kick-Off Meeting
NLR, Schiphol airport, Netherlands
GRATTON Guy 15/10/2015 11:33
05/11/2015 11:53
25/10/2010 FP7: EWG meeting 07 (Certification/Operation)
Toulouse (France)
DUDEK Krzysztof 02/08/2010 00:00
09/12/2010 00:00
29/11/2007 FP6: 3rd Certification & Operation EWG (EGAST)
Cologne (Germany)
PONTAUD Marc 13/11/2007 00:00
23/07/2008 00:00
25/01/2006 FP6: 2nd Certification & Operation EWG (EASA)
Cologne (Germany)
PONTAUD Marc 23/03/2006 00:00
17/04/2008 00:00
27/09/2005 FP6: 1st Certification & Operation EWG (27/09/05)
Toulouse (France)
PONTAUD Marc 05/10/2005 00:00
17/04/2008 00:00
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