European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research March 7, 2025, 03:28

Expert Working Group

Name Atmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing Measurements
Description The EWG discusses the airborne measurement techniques of atmospheric radiation parameters, which are important to quantify the radiative energy budget of different atmospheric constituents (such as trace gases, aerosol particles, and clouds) and their remote sensing. Most of the energy exchange within the universe is realised by electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic radiation incident at the top of atmosphere (TOA) is the only significant source of energy for almost all processes. Solar radiation powers the circulation dynamics, chemistry, and interactions among the atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere, and land that maintain the terrestrial environment. As a consequence, all processes that modify the distribution and deposition of electromagnetic radiation within the atmosphere and at the Earth’s surface are important for climate (the consequence of long-term energy balance), weather (driven by short-term energy imbalance), and the regulation of the biosphere.

Solar radiation is scattered and absorbed within the atmosphere and at the Earth’s surface. Scattering is a directional redistribution of the radiative energy. Radiation that is absorbed at the surface and within the atmosphere is converted into thermal energy, which determines the rate and spectral composition of infrared (IR) emission. Thus, solar radiation is the source of almost all the IR radiation emitted by the surface and atmosphere.
Leader RUHTZ Thomas

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Event date Title/Location Contact Creation
Last update
26/10/2016 EUFAR/ ESA Expert Workshop on Atmospheric Correction of Remote Sensing Data
Berlin, Germany
RUHTZ Thomas 27/06/2016 10:17
08/12/2016 10:27
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