European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 03:22


How to submit a transnational access proposal?

1. Make sure you are signed in on the website

2. To view the currently open Calls for Transnational Access Proposals, click on Activities on the top main menu an click on Transnational Access in the drop-down menu.


3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on the Submitting TA proposal tab and on the Calls for Proposals button.

4. On the Calls for Proposals page, you can click on the each title to view more information about a specific Call.

5. Click on the appropriate Create application button corresponding to a specific Call for Proposal.

6. Fill in the fields. Fields marked with an * are mandatory. We advise applicants to fill in the optional fields to provide additional information which may be useful for the reviewers.

7. We advise you to Submit your proposal for Pre-review before submission for review. Once submitted, the review process will start and your proposal will no longer be editable.

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