European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research March 19, 2025, 16:07

Registration for Event

#9th EUFAR Airborne Science Webinar: Airborne Infrastructure. The European landscape of airborne infrastructure and future
Event acronym:
Call status:
March 17, 2025, 19:30
March 27, 2025, 23:50

Event start:
March 28, 2025, 14:00
Event end:
March 28, 2025, 18:30
Hosting organization:
Zoom online meeting
Event coordinator:
Event contact:
Event description:

USRL UAV Indian Ocean


Moderators: Mélanie Ghysels-Dubois, Thomas Ruhtz

This webinar aims to screen the landscape of airborne infrastructures in Europe. The infrastructures which will be presented are reflecting on the creation of a European central access to airborne platforms and associated virtual observatory: the AIRLIFTS initiative. The AIRLIFTS initiative is beneficial for the scientific community and will be presented.

This creation is supported by national agencies, which will present the national programmes and strategies. The partnership with industrial members is explored, to share expertise and to open new flying opportunities.

This webinar will give an overview of the collaboration potential within Europe and internationally, as well as an overview of the future of airborne research and structure.

It will be emphasized the operational capabilities, expertise, national contexts and future development within the AIRLIFTS initiative.


14:00 – 14:20 Revisiting the needs of UAV-based observations in the ACTRIS Research Infrastructure: New Technologies & Opportunities; Jean Sciare, F. Marenco, M. Kezoudi, and USRL team (The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus).

14:25 – 14:45 Navigating the Regulatory Skies: A Case Study of the Boreal Mission in International Waters; Benjamin Queval (M3 System, Belgium).

14:50 - 15:10 Overview on the DLR research aircraft fleet - with focus on atmospheric research platforms and projects; Andreas Minikin (DLR Flight Experiments (FX), Germany).

15:15- 15:35   Airborne Science Aircraft Platforms For All Climates; Rod Arnold (British Antarctic Survey (BAS), UK), D. Beeden1, N. Fenney1, A. Fleming1, F. Van Den Heuvel1, T. Jordan1, A. Kirchgaessner1, T. Lachlan-Cope, C. Middleton2, M. Wooster2, A. Arenas Pingarron1, B. Schlarb-Ridley1, C. Robinson1, F. Squires1, A. Weiss1, J. Witherstone1, G. Veyssiere1.
1 British Antarctic Survey (BAS, UK),
2 National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO, UK).

15:40 - 16:00 Overview of the UK’s FAAM Airborne Laboratory; Alan Wooley, H. Price, (National Center for Atmospheric Science, UK).

16:05 - 16:25 Swedish balloon programmes – overview and opportunities; Kristine Dannenberg (Rymdstyrelsen, Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA), Sweden).

16:30 - 16:50 Esrange Space Center – facilities and services for ballooning and access to space; Mattias Abrahamsson (Swedish Space corporation (SSC), Sweden).

16:55 - 17:15 CzechGlobe infrastructure with focus on airborne research; Jiří Kolman, J. Hanuš (GCRI CAS - CzechGlobe, Brno, Czech Republic).

17:20-17:40 Airborne Remote Sensing Activities of the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS); Ashley Morris (SIOS Knowledge Centre, Norway), S. Jawak1*, A. Sivertsen2, R. Storvold2, R. Hann3, T.A. Johansson3, R. Denkmann1, E. Jones1, I. Matero1, D. Kivits1, Ch. Hübner1, H. Lihavainen1
SIOS Knowledge Centre, 2 NORCE, 3 NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, (*) now at NILU Norwegian Institute for air research, Norway).

17:45- 18:05 High Altitude Platforms for Environmental Science, Kristian Ullum Vind, (SCEYE, USA).

18:10 - 18:30 French infrastructure and national EOSC node DATA TERRA contribution to AIRLIFTS; Sébastien Payan (Sorbonne University, France).

18:35 - 18:50 The AIRLIFTS initiative of European airborne research infrastructure; Mélanie Ghysels-Dubois (Centre National de la Recherche Scientique (CNRS), Université de Reims, France), Th. Ruhtz, B. Zagajewski, F. Cairo, S. Manfreda, J. Kolman, J. Hanuš, A. Deschamps, V. Dubourg, St. Louvel, C. Flamant, F. Ferracioli, S. Payan, K. Dannenberg, M. Abrahamsson, J.-Ch. Canonici, A. Bourdon, O. Ozkan, I. Reusen, X. Briottet, S. Fabre, L. Croizé, P. Ubertini, L. Natalucci, M. Fiocchi, P. Formenti, Ph. Maier, Ph. Laurent, V. Reveret, M. Albano, T. Scalia, B. Schulz, A. Minikin, Th. Keilig, E. Parizot.


During the meeting, images of people participating in the EUFAR Webinar will be recorded, and the obtained print screens will be published on the EUFAR’s web sites and the EUFAR’ social media to promote the event.


We extend our sincere gratitude to the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of The Cyprus Institute for generously providing the photo used to promote this webinar.

File name, Capacity, Last update
rs4forestebv_programme_final.docx , 575.2 KB, Nov. 20, 2023, 14:41 -

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