European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 03:31


EUFAR airborne science webinar #2


Event coordinator: BROWN Phil

Hosting organization:
Met Office
Event contact:
Event start:
Jan. 13, 2022, 14:00
Event end:
Jan. 13, 2022, 15:00
Nov. 24, 2021, 17:50
Jan. 12, 2022, 23:55

EUFAR Airborne Science Webinar #2

Airborne measurements applied to the testing and validation of high-resolution atmospheric models

Thursday 13 January 2022, 1400 UTC (1500 CET)


Paul Field (Met Office, UK)

Aircraft provide high resolution and reliable in-situ measurements of clouds. However, due to resource (time) constraints, when sampling multiple convective clouds the role of human decisions on targeting clouds to sample can potentially lead to systematic biases. Using order statistics I will show that for gamma-distributed cloud properties a systematic bias of 1.5 could result.


Steven Abel (Met Office, UK)

Research aircraft have a unique capability to provide detailed in-situ datasets of clouds and the environments in which they form. In this talk, I will provide some examples of using aircraft datasets to evaluate and develop the representation of clouds in operational weather forecast models. I will show approaches that i) use detailed flight case-studies to target model biases in specific cloud regimes, and ii) utilise observations from a large number of flights in different cloud types to improve the underlying model parameterizations of cloud microphysical processes.

  • Abel Steven
  • Arabas Sylwester
  • Barrett Paul
  • Berthelot Brice
  • Blyth Alan
  • Boeing Steven
  • Bossioli Elissavet
  • Chen Eswyn
  • Clarke Samantha
  • De Nuntiis Paola
  • Delene David
  • Denby Leif
  • Di Liberto Luca
  • Dinoi Adelaide
  • Du Mao
  • Ewald Florian
  • Fernandes João
  • Fox Stuart
  • Gasch Philipp
  • Junkermann Wolfgang
  • Kezoudi Maria
  • Kirchgaessner Amelie
  • Langridge Justin
  • Marenco Franco
  • Markus Hermann
  • Maseyk Kadmiel
  • Mocnik Grisa
  • Mukherjee Saumitra
  • Murray Ben
  • Nwosu Kelechi
  • Ogbodo John Agbo
  • Papetta Alkistis
  • Pickering Ben
  • Price Hannah
  • Qu Zhipeng
  • Rahman Md. Mizanur
  • Renfrew Ian
  • Ricketts Hugo
  • Ryder Claire
  • Saffin Leo
  • Schäfler Andreas
  • Schobesberger Siegfried
  • Schultz David
  • Smith Daniel
  • Son Rackhun
  • Steikert Ralf
  • tack frederik
  • Tornow Florian

Orginally published on Nov. 24, 2021, 17:50
Last update on Jan. 13, 2022, 17:04

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