European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research March 11, 2025, 20:38

Welcome to EUFAR

CESSNA 207T operated by FUB in front of INTA's CASA 212 at Francazal airport in Toulouse. Photo credit: EUFAR


EUFAR Members operate a broad range of aircraft. These include a number of large aircraft capable of carrying a comprehensive instrument payload that can be adapted to suit the objectives of the science project being undertaken. There are also jet aircraft capable of operating in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere plus smaller single- and twin-engined turboprop aircraft that can be operated for lower costs. Some aircraft in the latter category carry sophisticated hyperspectral imaging and other remote-sensing systems that are applied to studies of the Earth’s surface.


Each aircraft in the EUFAR fleet will typically be equipped with a range of standard instrumentation that is operated as part of the normal user’s access to the facility. Some of this may be interchangeable so as to equip the aircraft for different scientific missions. You can find more information for each aircraft at (link). In addition, each flight facility may have access to additional instruments supplied by collaborating partners. Since these typically involve extra costs, users with a potential interest should contact the flight facility of interest for more information.

The ATR-42, a large and comprehensively-equipped aircraft for atmospheric research in the troposphere. Photo credit: SAFIRE

Participants at the training course SONATA involving TA flight hours with FAAM's BAe-146, Italy, Aug 2011. Photo Credit: EUFAR


With funding from the EC, EUFAR was able to support Transnational Access. This gave fully-funded flight hours to user groups without access to the necessary facilities in their own country of working. Such funding is not currently available. However, EUFAR still seeks to broaden access to the facilities operated by its Members and is working towards the development of Open Access principles. The objective is to ensure the optimum usage of the existing fleet of aircraft.

See also

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