European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research March 11, 2025, 20:34

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EUFAR Education and training

SONATA training course on Aircraft Techniques for the Studies of Atmospheric Chemistry, Italy, Aug 2011. Photo Credit: EUFAR

Strategy and European Integration

This activity is responsible for EUFAR’s interaction with its Strategic Advisory Committee and other potential collaborators. The latter include the other environmental Research Infrastructures represented in the ENVRI community (link). In addition, it seeks to develop and implement principles of Open Access to EUFAR facilities in order to broaden the user community and optimize their exploitation and to

Knowledge and Expertise Transfer 

This activity area seeks to share knowledge amongst EUFAR members in order to ensure the widest use of best practices in airborne measurements. It also seeks to provide training opportunities in airborne measurement topics to early-career scientists. There is an additional objective to with relevant industrial partners, particularly in the SME sector, in order to ensure that innovative new measurement technologies are used with the maximum benefit to the EUFAR community and that such developments made by EUFAR operators and users can be exploited for societal benefit.

EUFAR Education and training

Group photo in front of INTA's CASA212 during the REFLEX training course on Regional Experiments for Land-atmospheric Exchanges, Spain, July 2012. Photo credit: EUFAR

EUFAR Education and training

Interior of the FAAM's BAe-146 during training course. Photo Credit: EUFAR

Data for Science 

This activity seeks to ensure that data and metadata supplied by EUFAR Members conform to appropriate internationally-agreed standards. A EUFAR data archive with search facilities is hosted by CEDA (link) in the UK. We seek to ensure the increasing availability of data from this archive in addition to its availability via other portals.

Communication and Dissemination 

A principle objective of this activity is to ensure the maintenance of the EUFAR website as portal for information concerning airborne research facilities and science. EUFAR publishes periodical newsletters to individual registered users. Promotion of EUFAR facilities and services takes place at a number of large scientific conferences and events, typically including the annual General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union and we take the opportunity to promote airborne science sessions at such conferences.

EUFAR Education and training

REFLEX training course on Regional Experiments for Land-atmospheric Exchanges, Spain, July 2012. Photo credit: EUFAR

See also

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