European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 23, 2025, 05:18

EUFAR Achievements Summary

2000 - 2004
Funded under the European Union’s FP5 Infrastructure Cooperation Network
2004 - 2008
Funded under the European Union’s FP6 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative
2008 - 2013
Funded under the European Union’s FP7 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative
2014 - 2018
Funded under the European Union’s FP7 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative
€640 000 budget €5 million budget €8 million budget €6 million budget
9 partner consortium 22 partner consortium 34 partner consortium 24 partner consortium
5 aircraft/instrument operators Implementation of transnational access activity coordinating access to fully-funded flight hours involving:
- 15 aircraft/instrument operators
- 23 research aircraft open for transnational access
Transnational access activity coordinating access to fully-funded flight hours involving:
- 13 aircraft/instrument operators
- 20 research aircraft & 6 specialised instruments open for transnational access
Transnational access activity coordinating access to fully-funded flight hours involving:
- 13 aircraft/instrument operators
- 17 research aircraft & 3 remote-sensing instruments open for transnational access
Creation of EUFAR in 2000
4 networking activities
6 networking activities 9 networking activities 9 networking activities

1 joint research activity

AARP Design, development and testing of an Aerosol Reference Pod that can be flown on several aircraft and serve as a reference standard for inter-calibration of airborne aerosol instrumentation.

AARP was developed and tested both in the laboratory and in flight, and is the first airborne instrumental development in Europe carried out by a consortium of laboratories from 5 different countries.

3 joint research activities

HYQUAPRO - Quality layers for airborne hyperspectral imagery and data products

- 5 peer-reviewed publications
- development of the HYperspectral SOil MApper (HYSOMA) toolbox, which was validated with 18 image datasets and allows to produce 11 soil products associated with different methods for soil moisture content, soil organic carbon content, and soil minerals content for every input image file, plus 1 soil quality layer file, and 4 mask files.

DENCHAR - Development and evaluation of new and improved hygrometers for airborne research

- 7 peer-reviewed publications
- 1 patent (Hungarian)

 ALIDS - Airborne Laser Interferometric Drop Sizer

- 2 peer-reviewed publications
- In Nov. 2015, at the 2nd edition of “Gold Nuggets of Research, Technology and Innovation” event during the Normandie AeroEspace Tech Day, Marc Brunel (CNRS-CORIA), one of the scientists working on ALIDS, received one of the prizes awarded to the 12 new research laboratories/ SMEs for their innovative technologies in the fields of robotics, modelling, materials, simulation and system validation.

2 joint research activities

HYLIGHT - Integration of airborne hyperspectral imagery and laser scanning data to improve image processing and interpretation

- 2 peer-reviewed publications & 1 conference proceeding published
- 9 out of the 14 planned ALS/HSI tools made available on the website together with user guides and installation manuals

TGOE - Traceability in Gas-phase Observations in EUFAR (TGOE)

A number of scientists from the TGOE working group were involved in the DACCIWA campaign, as signifi­cant efforts being focused on the cross calibration checks between the different platforms/instruments involved.

  420 fully-funded flight hours
44 research flight campaigns
232 users
503 fully-funded flight hours
42 research flight campaigns
406 users (incl. 100 participants in summer schools)
75% users out of [UK, France, Germany]
430 fully-funded flight hours (planned)
38 research flight campaigns (planned)
  Implementation of Education & Training Activity
Organisation of 2 summer schools (Romania, The Netherlands)
46 students
Organisation of 5 summer schools (Hungary, France, France, Italy, Spain)
100 participants (incl. 12 university lecturers) from 18 EU Member or Associated States
1 summer school (Poland, 2015) jointly organised and financed with COST Action OPTIMISE & ESA
44 participants (incl. 22 lecturers & experts) from 18 countries (11 EU members)
3 more summer schools planned
8 expert workshops 10 expert workshops 20 expert working groups
10 expert working group workshops
EUFAR handbook (Wendisch & Brenguier, 2013; 9 chapters, 655 pages, 91 authors from 13 countries)

12 expert working groups
5 expert workshops held (4 more planned in 2016)
Supplementary material to handbook being developed by EUFAR’s research activities and expert workshops.

    Creation of centralised database
9.2 TB data (154 flights/flightlines from 12 aircraft)
Data archive now links 162 flights and auxiliary data for 55 projects (2TB (EUFAR flight data) plus links to 9.3TB (ARSF+FAAM flights))
  COPAL ESFRI project as an answer to scientific user’s need identified in EUFAR ICARE-2010
(international conference on airborne research for the environment, Toulouse, 2010)
Decision to establish EUFAR as a legal sustainable structure (International not-for-profit Association AISBL under Belgian Law selected).
Constitution of working group (9 signatories of MoU, 3 underway) who are currently drafting the AISBL statutes, internal regulations, activity and financial plans.
Association to be legally established in 2016/2017.
Creation of EUFAR website in 2003     Launch of new EUFAR website, Nov 2015
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