European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Sept. 27, 2024, 05:52


Documents found: 2/2840.

Author: CAMPANELLI Monica

Type: Publication

Visible for: Public

Title Author Type Related
Comparison of AERONET and SKYRAD4.2 inversion products retrieved from a Cimel CE318 sunphotometer CAMPANELLI Monica, ESTELLES Victor, MARTINEZ-LOZANO Jose Antonio , M. P. Utrillas, F. Expósito, Publication
Evaluation of the new ESR network software for the retrieval of direct sun products from CIMEL CE318 and PREDE POM01 sun-sky radiometers CAMPANELLI Monica, ESTELLES Victor, MARTINEZ-LOZANO Jose Antonio , T. J. Smyth, M. P. Utrillas Publication
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