European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 07:44


Title In situ measuraments and satellite remote sensing of case2 waters: first results from the Curonian Lagoon
Type Publication

In this study we present calibration/validation activities associated with satellite MERIS image processing and aimed at estimating chl a and CDOM in the Curonian Lagoon. Field data were used to validate the performances of two atmospheric correction algorithms, to build a band-ratio algorithm for chl a and to validate MERIS-derived maps. The neural network-based Case 2 Regional processor was found suitable for mapping CDOM; for chl a the band-ratio algorithm applied to image data corrected with the 6S code was found more appropriate. Maps were in agreement with in situ measurements. This study confirmed the importance of atmospheric correction to estimate water quality and demonstrated the usefulness of MERIS in investigating eutrophic aquatic ecosystems.

Available from
R. Pilkaitytė, M. Bartoli, A. Razinkovas
Journal Oceanologia
Volume 52
Pages 197-210
Year 2010
Times cited None
Institute country Italy
Type of science
  • Marine science (includes oceanography)
  • Pollution (includes air, sea and soil)
Field of science
  • Satellite calibration/validation
  • Sea Surface
File details
Added April 27, 2016, 11:16
Last update Nov. 20, 2023, 14:41
Size 643.8 KB
File name 522giard.pdf
Visibility Public - Available for any user
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