European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 05:27


Title All-Sky Video Orbits of Lyrids 2009
Type Publication

We report observational results of the Lyrid meteor shower observed by the double-station all-sky video system on the night of 2009 April 21/22 at the Astronomical and Geophysical Observatory of the Comenius University in Modra and Arboretum, Tesárske Mlynany, Slovakia. This observation was the first test of double stations and orbit determination method within the frame of the new Slovak Video Meteor Network (SVMN). We present the whole set of 17 observed orbits of Lyrids as well as the five most precise orbits in detail form. A comparison with the known datasets, precise photographic IAU MDC and SonotaCo video orbits, demonstrate quite good consistency and similar quality.

Available from
TOTH Juraj
L. Kornoš, P. Vereš, J. ŠIlha, D. Kalmancok, P. Zigo, J. VilÁGi
Journal Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan
Volume 63
Pages 331-334
Year 2011
Times cited None
Institute country Czechia
Type of science
Field of science
  • Research other than geo-science
File details
Added April 27, 2016, 11:01
Last update Nov. 20, 2023, 14:41
Size 363.5 KB
File name publ_astron_soc_jpn-2011-toth-331-4.pdf
Visibility Public - Available for any user
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