European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Dec. 26, 2024, 22:08


Title On the complexity of the boundary layer structure and aerosol vertical distribution in the coastal Mediterranean regions a case study
Type Publication

The planetary boundary layer structure in the coastal areas, and particularly in complex orography regions such as the Mediterranean, is extremely intricate. In this study, we show the evolution of the planetary boundary layer based on in situ airborne measurements and ground-based remote sensing observations carried out during the MORE (Marine Ozone and Radiation Experiment) campaign in June 2010. The campaign was held in a rural coastal Mediterranean region in Southern Italy. The study focuses on the observations made on 17 June. Vertical profiles of meteorological parameters and aerosol size distribution were measured during two flights: in the morning and in the afternoon. Airborne observations were combined with ground-based LIDAR, SODAR, microwave and visible radiometer measurements, allowing a detailed description of the atmospheric vertical structure. The analysis was complemented with data from a regional atmospheric model run with horizontal resolutions of 12, 4 and 1 km, respectively; back-trajectories were calculated at these spatial resolutions. The observations show the simultaneous occurrence of dust transport, descent of mid-tropospheric air and sea breeze circulation on 17 June. Local pollution effects on the aerosol distribution, and a possible event of new particles formation were also observed. A large variability in the thermodynamical structure and aerosol distribution in the flight region, extending by approximately 30 km along the coast, was found. Within this complex, environment-relevant differences in the back-trajectories calculated at different spatial resolutions are found, suggesting that the description of several dynamical processes, and in particular the sea breeze circulation, requires high-resolution meteorological analyses. The study also shows that the integration of different observational techniques is needed to describe these complex conditions; in particular, the availability of flights and their timing with respect to the occurring phenomena are crucial.

Available from
MELONI Daniela
PACE Giandomenico
L. Vitali, G. Cremona, A. M. Iannrelli, G. Zanini
Journal Tellus B
Volume 67
Year 2015
Times cited None
Institute country Sweden
Type of science
  • Marine science (includes oceanography)
Field of science
  • Boundary layer
  • Sea Surface
File details
Added Oct. 21, 2015, 16:27
Last update Nov. 20, 2023, 14:42
Size 2.9 MB
File name Publication_MORE TA campaign_EUFAR_FP7.pdf
Visibility Public - Available for any user
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