European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 07:42


Title Spectra of a shallow sea—unmixing for class identification and monitoring of coastal waters
Type Publication

Ocean colour-based monitoring of water masses is a promising alternative to monitoring concentrations in heterogeneous coastal seas. Fuzzy methods, such as spectral unmixing, are especially well suited for recognition of water masses from their remote sensing reflectances. However, such models have not yet been applied for water classification and monitoring. In this study, a fully constrained endmember model with simulated endmembers was developed for water class identification in the shallow Wadden Sea and adjacent German Bight. Its performance was examined on in situ measured reflectances and on MERIS satellite data. Water classification by means of unmixing reflectance spectra proved to be successful. When the endmember model was applied to MERIS data, it was able to visualise well-known spatial, tidal, seasonal, and wind-related variations in optical properties in the heterogeneous Wadden Sea. Analyses show that the method is insensitive to small changes in endmembers. Therefore, it can be applied in similar coastal areas. For use in open ocean situations or coastal or inland waters with other specific inherent optical properties, re-simulation of the endmember spectra with local optical properties is required. However, such an adaptation requires only a limited number of local in situ measurements.

Available from
A. Hommersom, M. R. Wernand, S. Peters, M. A. Eleveld, H. J. van der Woerd, J. de Boer
Journal Ocean Dynamics
Volume 61
Pages 463-480
Year 2011
Times cited 0
Institute country Netherlands
Type of science
  • Marine science (includes oceanography)
  • Ocean-Atmosphere interactions
Field of science
  • Sea Surface
File details
Added April 7, 2011, 00:00
Last update Nov. 20, 2023, 14:42
Size 3.8 MB
File name Hommersom_etal_OD_2011_20110407140556.PDF
Visibility Public - Available for any user
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