European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research March 9, 2025, 15:57

Technology Transfer

The Technology Transfer Office (N5TTO) activity

The Technology Transfer Office (N5TTO) activity seeks to support the transfer of technology between experts in airborne measurements and industry partners, including SMEs, that drive innovation, by organising workshops on specific technologies and further supporting their partnership with expertise on issues related to exchange of knowledge.

This activity will rely on exchanges with the EUFAR Expert Working Groups for the identification of scientific expertise and innovative research developments with important market application potential based on existing market demands, and with Strategy and European Integration Networking Activity (N1-SEI) for end-user priorities while compiling information on industry partners that could bring the most innovative products to the highest Technology Readiness Level (TRL). Through the joint organisation of meetings focused on technology applications, this activity will establish the framework for EUFAR experts to effectively interact with industry partners and SMEs.

The N5TTO activity consists of the following tasks:

  • Selection of innovative technologies with guidance by TTO
    Relying on the expert working groups’ review of existing expertise and technologies within EUFAR and taking into account the end-user needs and priorities as expressed in N1-SEI, this task will select the most promising airborne research instruments, methodologies and software through a series of dedicated workshops with the EWGs. Information on issues related to best practices on knowledge transfer, IPR management, R&D contracts and different kinds of possible partnership modes will be offered to experts, and a guide on technology transfer issues will be developed, following the first workshop to facilitate subsequent interaction with industry partners.
  • Review of industry partners and organisation of EUFAR Technology Transfer Workshops
    This task seeks to establish and update, on a yearly basis, a list of potential industry partners to be involved in EUFAR. Each year some promising technologies will be selected and studied for presentation to industry partners, who will thereafter be invited to attend presentations by EUFAR experts on their most innovative research developments. These workshops will also be an opportunity for experts and industry partners to closely interact and develop partnerships for upgrading airborne research instruments, methodologies and software to innovative and useful products.
  • Technical and scientific coordination and activity reporting 


N5TTO Activity Leader
Cécile Gaillard
ONERA, France

Page last modified on Aug. 12, 2024, 01:42
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