European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research March 12, 2025, 05:41

Education&Training - REFLEX Training Course


Education&Training - REFLEX Training Course

(Registrations closed on April 30th 2012 - 6.00pm)

The 5th EUFAR FP7-EUROSPEC Training Course On "Regional Experiments For Land-atmosphere EXchanges" (REFLEX), organised by the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente (UT-ITC) was held at the Instituto Tecnico Agronomico Provincial (ITAP) from 18 to 28 July 2012 in Albacete, Spain.


How To Register:

  1. To register for this training course, you first need to subscribe as a member of EUFAR.
  2. When your membership application has been accepted you will be able to logon to Back Office.
  3. Click on "Education & Training" on the Back Office menu (yellow panel on left) and then on the green button "Register for a training course ET-TC".


This training course aims to educate and train early-stage researchers and a limited number of university lecturers in airborne hyperspectral imaging and field measurements supporting their research in the framework of multi-scale (“leaf to ecosystem”) land-atmosphere exchanges.
If the conditions allow, two 1,5 hours flights with the INTA C-212-200 RS airplane instrumented with two hyperspectral imaging sensors , an AHS and a CASI 1500i, will be performed during the course.
Participants with the assistance of Scientific Working Group leaders will be able to design their own flight experiments, participate in the surveys, process and analyze the obtained or archived data. A visit to the instrumented aircraft will be organized as well during the course.


Target audience:

The target audience is early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) but a limited number of university lecturers (max.5) will also be accepted. For the early-stage researchers, a strong scientific knowledge base (in physics, geography, geology, biology, chemistry, bio-engineering or civil engineering) and some experience in the use of computer geo-information software is required to attend this training course.
The participants of the REFLEX training course will be selected by the EUFAR Office, the EUFAR Education&Training coordinator, the EUROSPEC coordinator and the host based on CV/scientific background, interest, expectation and contribution to the training course and flight experiment.


Keynote speakers:

  • Bob Su (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Eyal Ben-Dor (Department of Geography, Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  • Alasdair Mac Arthur (School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Thuy Le Thoan (CESBIO, CNRS-CNES-Université Paul Sabatier, France)
  • José-Antonio Gomez-Sanchez (INTA, Spain)
  • José Moreno (Department of Earth Physics and Thermodynamics, University of Valencia, Spain)
  • José Sobrino (Department of Earth Physics and Thermodynamics, University of Valencia, Spain)
  • Uwe Rascher (Research Center Jülich, Institute of Phytosphere Research, Germany)
  • Wout Verhoef (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Joris Timmerman (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Christiaan van der Tol (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Scientific Working Group Leaders:

  • Wim Timmermans (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Christiaan van der Tol (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, The Netherlands)


From July 18th-24th 2012, lectures (theory and case studies), self introduction of students, hands-on-practice, workshops, excursion to Barrax, demonstrations of field equipment and visit to the INTA C-212-200 RS aircraft are planned.

Final programme available here.

During the workshops, each of the two Scientific Working Groups will have the opportunity to design a flight plan for a 1,5-hour scientific flight with the assistance of the Scientific Working Group leaders and the INTA crew.
If the conditions allow, scientific flights over Barrax will be performed in the flight window July 24th-27th. Coincident with the flight, field measurements will be performed by the Scientific Working Groups at Barrax experimental site.
Field data will be uploaded on the day of data acquisition. Airborne data (quicklooks and level 1b) will be uploaded less than half a day after data acquisition for data inspection during the training course.
On Saturday 28th, the two Scientific Working Groups will present their experiment and preliminary results based on data acquired during the training course or archived data.




Students Scientific reports


Travel and subsistence expenses:

  • EUFAR:
    Travel and subsistence expenses of EUFAR will be 100% supported by EUFAR (travel to training course location, transfers, accommodation, meals, etc).
    Hotel rooms will be booked directly by the EUFAR Office:
    C/San Antonio, 39
    02001 Albacete, Spain
    All travel tickets will be booked by the EUFAR Office (unless agreed otherwise with the EUFAR Office in advance). This is to avoid complicated procedures for later reimbursement.
    Aircraft tickets must be booked, if practical, at least 2 months before the departure date in order to get the most favourable rate. All travel must be done at the economical rate.
    EUROSPEC funded students pay their flight and hotel room and will receive a grant (with a maximum of 1000 euros) after the training course.
Organizing Committee
BURKART Andreas Forschungszentrum Jülich GERMANY
CILIA Chiara University Milano Bicocca ITALY
CONTRERAS Sergio Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) SPAIN
CORBARI Chiara Politecnico di Milano ITALY
FERNANDEZ CALLEJA Javier Unviersity of Oviedo SPAIN
GUZINSKI Radoslaw Unviersity of Copenhagen DENMARK
HELLMANN Christine Unviersity of Bielefeld GERMANY
HERRMANN Ittai Ben-Gurion University ISRAEL
LAZAR Adina-Laura Babes-Bolai University ROMANIA
LEUTNER Benjamin University of Würzburg, University of Bayreuth GERMANY
MENDIGUREN Gorka Spanish National Research Council SPAIN
NASILOWSKA Sylwia University of Warsaw POLAND
NIETO SOLANA Hector Unviersity of Copenhagen DENMARK
PACHECO LABRADOR Javier Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) SPAIN
PUNALEKAR Suvarna University of Reading UNITED KINGDOM
SCHICKLING Anke Forschungszentrum Jülich GERMANY
SIEGMANN Bastian University of Osnabrueck GERMANY
VON BUEREN Stefanie Massey Unviersity Manawatu NEW ZEALAND

Page last modified on Aug. 12, 2024, 01:42
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