European Facility For Airborne Research March 14, 2025, 08:16
HYSOMA (Hyperspectral SOil MApper) is an experimental platform for soil mapping applications of hyperspectral imagery that allows easy implementation in the hyperspectral and non-hyperspectral communities (distribution under the idl-virtual machine) and gives the choice of multiple algorithms for each soil parameter.
U.S. FDGC: National Vegetation Classification Standard (Version 2.0), FGDC-STD-005-2008
This document presents a process standard to be used to create a dynamic content standard for all vegetation types in the classification. It includes standards for data collection, data analysis, data presentation, and quality control and assurance.
U.S. FDGC: Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard, FGDC-STD-018-2012
The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) is a catalogue of terms that provides a means for classifying ecological units using a simple, standard format and common terminology.