European Facility For Airborne Research March 14, 2025, 06:28
NASA Airborne Science Program (ASP): Airborne Science Mission Tools Suite
The ASP Mission Tool Suite contains a core set of tools that provide Airborne Science Participants with a host of capabilities:
→ remotely monitor real-time aircraft location
→ view current and archived aircraft flight tracks
→ ability to add information overlays from a curated product registry
→ customized user workspaces
→ communication and collaboration tools
→ integrated IRC client supporting multiuser and person-to-person private chat
→ remotely monitor real-time instrument engineering data
→ plotting and graphing
Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research:
→ Thermodynamic and Dynamic Parameters
→ In Situ Trace Gas Measurements
→ In Situ Measurements of Aerosol Particles
→ In Situ Measurements of Cloud and Precipitation Particles
→ Aerosol and Cloud Particle Sampling
→ Radiation Measurements
→ Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
→ LIDAR and RADAR Observations
Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research - Appendix:
→ Measuring the Three-Dimensional Wind Vector Using a Five-Hole Probe
→ Small-Scale Turbulence
→ RADAR Observations
Training material for spectroscopy in mining
Case studies illustrate various applications of reflectance spectroscopy to mineral exploration and enviromental studies.
Diffuse infrared reflectance spectroscopy is considered a promising approach for addressing soil quality, and its use directly in the field might be an achievable challenge. The present work aimed at optimizing the acquisition procedure of visible and near infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectra of topsoils (0–20 cm) in the field, in order to predict usual soil properties.
Volume I contains a descriptive and explanatory text concerning the general classification of meteors (Part I), clouds (Part II) and meteors other than clouds (Part III).
WMO Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation: (CIMO guide)
The purpose of the Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation is to support these activities by giving advice on good practices for meteorological measurements and observations.
ISO 6709:2008 is applicable to the interchange of coordinates describing geographic point location. It specifies the representation of coordinates, including latitude and longitude, to be used in data interchange. It additionally specifies representation of horizontal point location using coordinate types other than latitude and longitude. It also specifies the representation of height and depth that can be associated with horizontal coordinates. Representation includes units of measure and coordinate order.
ISO 19156:2011 Observations and measurements
ISO 19156:2011 defines a conceptual schema for observations, and for features involved in sampling when making observations. These provide models for the exchange of information describing observation acts and their results, both within and between different scientific and technical communities.
See also: OGC 10-157r3 Earth Observation Metadata profile of Observations and Measurements
CF Standard Name Table, Version 28, 07 January 2015
Standard name conventions for different variables related to atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric dynamics, carbon cycle, cloud, hydrology, ocean dynamics, radiation, sea ice and surface.
WaterML 2.0 is a standard information model for the representation of water observations data, with the intent of allowing the exchange of such data sets across information systems. Through the use of existing OGC standards, it aims at being an interoperable exchange format that may be re-used to address a range of exchange requirements, some of which are described later in this document.
This volume contains the regulations of the World Weather Watch; climatology; meteorological services for marine activities, agriculture and environmental pollution; meteorological bibliography and publications; education and training; units and procedures used in international meteorological research programs and during special observational periods.
→ Measurements of vertical aerosol distribution
→ In-situ aerosol measurements
→ Trace gas measurements
→ Other (GAW, EMEP)