European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Dec. 22, 2024, 05:14

Aircraft: G550 HALO - DLR

Aircraft acronym G550 HALO - DLR Registration number D-ADLR
Operator Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) Transnational Access status Closed to TA
Manufacturer Gulfstream Aerospace, G550 Engine category Jet
Aircraft type Research Categories Land/Sea surface properties, Troposphere, UTLS (Upper Troposphere, Lower Stratosphere)


  • Length: 30.9 m
  • Height: 7.9 m
  • Wingspan: 28.5 m
Airplane dimensions 30.9 m 7.9 m 28.5 m

Flying performances

Min speed 92 m/s
Max speed 258 m/s
Usual speed during measurements 210 m/s
Usual speed during transit flights 210 m/s
Ascent rate 10 m/s
Min altitude
  • Above sea: 200 ft
  • Above ground: 500 ft
Max ceiling 51 000 ft
Usual ceiling during measurements 47 000 ft
Ceiling limitations

Data - Sheet EASA
Airframe and Engine determined

Empty weight 22 120 kg
Max take-off weight 41 277 kg
Max payload 3 960 kg
Max scientific payload 3 000 kg (X-coordinate of 2nd point)
Usual scientific payload during measurements 2 500 kg
Scientific payload for max endurance 1 000 kg (X-coordinate of 1st point)
Aircraft autonomy

Max endurance at min scientific payload and max fuel 12 h (Y-coordinate of 1st point)
Endurance at max scientific payload 10 h (Y-coordinate of 2nd point)

Max range 10 200 km (at min scientific payload and max fuel)
Conditions for max range

FL410 - FL510 with stepclimb, Mach 0.77

Range at max scientific payload None km
Usual range during measurement flight 8 200 km

Weather conditions limitations

VFR and IFR (generally in icing conditions)

Take-off runway length 1 830 m

2 x Rolls Royce BR710


Honeywell Primus Epic Planview

Crew and scientists on board

Crew (pilots + operators)


Seats available for scientists

4 - 15


Length 11.00 m
Width 2.24 m
Height 1.88 m

main door: W0.88 m x H1.52 m; baggage door: W0.96 m x H0.91 m

Cabin pressurized


More information


Aircraft modifications

Nose boom

1,5 m length in front of aircraft nose, made of CFK for carrying measuring probes


2 coverable viewports in the bottom and 2 on top of the fuselage (D0.51 m each)


On top: 10 x W0.25 m x L0.18 m and 2 x W0.25 m x L0.36 m
On bottom: 1 x W0.25 m x L0.18 m
On sides: 9 x W0.25 m x L0.18 m

Hard points

under the wings: 6 hardpoint stations (3 each wing) to carry loads up to 400 kg each.


possible: 12 upper, 10 lower fuselage possible
on apertures and viewports

Additionnal systems


Acquisition systems

Typically about 140 (and more) channels of analogue data, ARINC and aircraft bus data, GPS, inertial and attitude, data aquisition up to 100Hz

Electrical power

Aircraft total electrical power (kW)

115V/400Hz - 2 x 40 KW

Electrical power (kW) and voltages (V) available for scientists

2 x 20KW - 115V - 400Hz 3Phase ; 115V/400Hz
each phase 20A fused ; 28V DC - 2 x 250A via
TRU - fused on 20A and 50A sockets
230V/50Hz = 2 x 3,5KW

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