European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 3, 2024, 09:38

Aircraft: ASK16 - FUB


Aircraft acronym ASK16 - FUB
Operated by Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Weltraumwissenschaften
Aircraft category Troposphere
Registration number D-KMET
Manufacturer and aircraft type Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co, ASK 16

Max. scientific payload: 0 kg

Basic instruments

Instrument type Instrument name
Serial type
Operator Measured parameter Range Weight added
Global Positioning System L1 / L2 GPS-Antennae (5x), NovAtel OEM3 TUBs Aircraft position, velocity and attitude 0.98 kg
Non dew/frost point hygrometer HMP233 / SN: S4630013 TUBs Water Vapour, Relative Humidity 0.01 kg
Temperature sensor (in situ) DLR Rosemount PT100 DLR Temperature 1.0 kg
Inertial Reference/Navigation System FUB Attitude FUB Aircraft position, velocity and attitude 0.0 kg
Accelerometers Sundstrand Accelerometers FUB Acceleration x, y, z and angles 0.0 kg

Optional instruments

Instrument type Instrument name
Serial type
Operator Measured parameter Range Weight added
No instruments.
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