European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 23, 2025, 07:10
Min speed | 0 m/s |
Max speed | 32 m/s |
Usual speed during measurements | 15 m/s |
Usual speed during transit flights | 18 m/s |
Ascent rate | 6 m/s |
Min altitude |
Max ceiling | 10 000 ft |
Usual ceiling during measurements | 1 500 ft |
Ceiling limitations | Data - Sheet EASA (TCDS EASA.AS.001) |
Empty weight | 6 400 kg |
Max take-off weight | n/c |
Max payload | 2 000 kg |
Max scientific payload | 1 900 kg (X-coordinate of 2nd point) |
Usual scientific payload during measurements | n/c |
Scientific payload for max endurance | 1 250 kg (X-coordinate of 1st point) |
Max endurance at min scientific payload and max fuel | 23 h (Y-coordinate of 1st point) |
Endurance at max scientific payload | 2 h (Y-coordinate of 2nd point) |
Max range | 1 100 km (at min scientific payload and max fuel) |
Conditions for max range |
2 000ft GND - FL60, 35kts, no wind |
Range at max scientific payload | 100 km |
Usual range during measurement flight | None km |
Weather conditions limitations |
VFR day and night, non-icing, wind limits |
Take-off runway length | 0 m |
Engines | 3 x Textron Lycoming IO-360 piston engines, 147kW each |
Avionics | Glass Cockpit with dual PFD/MFD (Garmin G500H), electronic standby instrument (L3 ESI-2000), dual AV/COM (Garmin GTN650), 3rd COM for ground communications |
Crew (pilots + operators) |
1 - 2 pilots (single pilot operation certified) |
Seats available for scientists | 1 - 13 (dependent on scientific payload) |
Length | 6.5m between doors, 11.5m total incl. cockpit m |
Width | 1.67 m |
Height | 1.8-1.67 m |
Apertures | Two main doors: W1.0 m x H1.675 m, Located front-right and back-left |
Cabin pressurized | No |
More information | No Air Conditioning, Heater available, On-board toilet |
Nose boom | 3,5 m length in front of airship gondola nose, made of CFRP for carrying measuring probes |
Windows | 2 window ports open during flight, oval shaped 0.67m x 0.33m |
Openings | Floor hatch 0.485m x 0.69m, accessible while airborne |
Hard points | Platform on top of airship max. 450kg payload |
Inlets | Possible though floor hatch and door ports |
Additionnal systems | No |
ARINC and aircraft bus data, GPS, inertial and attitude
Aircraft total electrical power (kW) | |
Electrical power (kW) and voltages (V) available for scientists | Approx. 5kW at 28VDC standard |